“Questo è delizioso, figliolo,”his father says with approval.


"Do you speak Italian, Sybil?"

"Not really," I mumble, taking a bite of food. He's right—it is delicious.

To be honest, since the day after Nico brought me back to his penthouse, Ihavebeen learning more Italian. I've watched a lot of videos about it, and now that I have a phone again, I have a couple of language apps downloaded to help me along. I just haven't mentioned it to Nico because he'd probably see it as permission to keep switching up tongues on me.

For a moment, we're quiet as we eat. Then I clear my throat. "How did you meet Sonia?"

Nico shoots me a look that I totally ignore. It's clear he doesn't want me to ask what happened to her, but I'm sure this is fine. Johnny Big Man's face creases into a genuine smile for the first time as he looks at me again. There's a far-off look in his eyes for a second.

"We met as babies. Her family was inla Cosa nostra. My family and hers, they were close, but they wanted more of a connection."

"It was an arranged marriage?" I ask, sitting up straight. "That's…"

Archaic. Unfair. Horrible.

The kingpin shrugs and drinks his wine. "It was the right thing for the families.La famiglia prima di tutto—family always comes first, Sybil. At first, Sonia and I were unhappy with the idea. We fought and cursed each other all growing up. But something changed. Long before the wedding, I came to see her in a new way. She made me crazy, but I didn't want a life without her."

I glance across the table, and goosebumps ripple down my arms. Nico's eyes are smoldering turquoise as he holds my gaze. There's a meaning there that makes my chest squeeze, but I can't focus on it right now.

Quickly, I take another bite to break the tension bridging between us. "It sounds like she was very special."

“She was. She wasil mio cuore, la mia anima e la mia vita.”

I don't know what he's saying, but I look up, startled at the emotion now choking his voice. Johnny Big Man is staring at his plate. His face still doesn't betray much, but something about his slouched shoulders emanates heartbreak. For the first time, the mobster seems actually…older. Sadder.

Nico's voice is tight. "How's the food?"

The older man's eyes shift to his son and warm slightly. "Just like your mother's. Sybil, your Dominick always did take after Sonia. She was strong but felt everything so deeply, just as he does. When he was a boy, I worried it would make him look weak in the family. It's why I was harder on him than his brother because softness will get you killed. But Dominick understands that now. He knows what it takes to not appear weak. Don't you?"

Nico says nothing. He's finished his plate and has his arms folded over his chest as his father studies the both of us with perceptive eyes.

I set down my glass of ice water and clear my throat. "Uh…well, if he gets his cooking from his mom, she was one hell of a cook."

Johnny Attolini nods, eyes lingering on the condensation of my glass. "Yes. But her pasta alle Melanzane is best paired with a dry, red wine. Perhaps Dominick has some."

"No. I don't."

An edge to his voice makes his father look at him with an arched brow."È lei incinta già? Avrai un erede?"

"Fuck off," Nico growls.

God. This is exactly why I need to learn more Italian. What are they talking about? Why does Nico look so defensive?

Johnny Attolini smirks, and the expression is off-putting on him because it reminds me of how Nico smirks sometimes. I feign ignorance about the palpable tension now heavy in the room.

"I have my answer.Figlio,your eagerness in this matter is good, but I hope you treat the other condition with as much vigor. I've heard about the escalations with the Gattos." His voice and face harden menacingly at the rival family's name, transforming his countenance completely. His lips pull back in disgust. "It's not enough. I want the blood of thatfiglio di puttanaLorenze Gatto, not his fucking rabble."

Oh, shit. I'd thought the dinner was going mostly well up to this point. I'd even sort of hoped that Johnny Big Man might like me. I know it was stupid to care what Nico's hardened mafioso father thinks of me—but technically he will be my baby's grandfather, so I couldn't help it.

But there's such a glint of hatred in his eyes right now that I can't imagine this man being a grandfather. I can't even remember why I thought he looked old a moment ago. This man screams lethal danger just as much as Nico does whenever he's angry.

I swallow and look across the table. Nico holds his father's gaze evenly. Whatever was said between them that made him, so tense has passed.

"If you know about the escalations, you know I'm working on it."