This is a ring of the inner circle. Good.

"Undertaker," one of the enforcers sneers, already palming his pistol with his eyes flickering to the men behind me as if he's determining who to take out first.

The man in my arms squirms, opening his mouth to shout, and I quickly adjust my hold to muffle the sound, putting him in a headlock instead as I hold the gazes of the Gattos around me. It's tense. We're in a violent feud, expecting blood, but most of the mafiosos here aren't brazen idiots actively looking to croak. At least, that's what I'm counting on.

"Gentlemen," I nod.

The Gatto underboss—Franko Masi—eyes his own men before addressing me. "I knew you were ballsy. I didn't think you were stupid. Get your men out of here, Attolini."

I hold his gaze, deciding he's high enough on the food chain for what I have in mind. "First, tell me this man's name."

He makes a face. "Why, did Manzo cross a line? He's a nobody. Whatever he did, it's not worth diving into this shit over. I promise you that."

"Manzo, hmm?" I already knew that, but I still look at the man in my grasp, who's struggling to get out. Then I smile at the Gattos, the same slim grin I learned from Johnny years ago that is anything but pleasant. "Good. Now I know what name I'll write on the check for the hospital bills."

"For what—"

Breaking both his arms is easy. I turn my hold into a savage press, and the sound of snapping fills the stuffy old diner. The man cries out as I drop him, grasping his noodle arms as close to his chest as he scrambles to get away from me. The Gattos are now on their feet, swearing and pulling their weapons. Still, no one shoots.

They see I'm not soft. Hopefully, they'll let the rest of this go over easily.

"Motherfucking Attolini," one of the enforcers swears, pointing the barrel of his gun at my face. He seems most likely to pull the trigger first.

The men behind me tense, too. They're desperate for blood but still waiting for my sign. Instead of motioning for them to go all in, I stare down Franko Masi, calling on everything I know about the Gattos in this room.

Which is a hell of a lot. Giovanni knows how to pick up on secrets better than a rat, and I've used the information he's given me in ways my father would never have approved of, building for a moment like this when the blood stopped spilling for a moment, and I could point out the obvious.

"Masi. Your daughter, Victoria. The one in high school. Lorenze's grown-ass, married son Pascal took a liking to her against her will a few months ago. Maybe she said something to you about it then. You know what he did to her?"

His face turns violent, and he snarls. I can see worry etched under his anger, which means maybe he did hear about this after all. But he's also confused about why I'm bringing this up, which is good.

"I'll tell you what hedidn'tdo. He didn't lay a fucking finger on her because I had Bruno here escort her home after school every day until I got the message across."

His eyes narrow as his gun lowers a fraction, and I look at one of the enforcers beside him, who straightens under my glare.

"They call you Frog Lips. You took out Pete Sartes at Lorenze's command. Your pathetic excuse of aPadrinoexpected us to retaliate by killing you immediately. He probably said your wife would be well cared for if that happened. Tell me. Where is your wife?"

The enforcer pales. "Missing. She's—God, I don't know."

"Yes, you do. Lorenze sold her the second you went to take our Sartes. He didn't expect you to return, and your wife was nothing but more money to him. But don't worry. She's fine."

"What? How do you—"

"The Attolini family paid to get her out. She's lying low in Nevada. I told her that she could come back anytime, but she could stay there if she didn't feel safe near Lorenze Gatto. Funny how she hasn't popped back up."

"What's your fucking point?" one of the businessmen snaps. He's unarmed but evidently as on edge as everyone else in the room.

I nod at Danny on my right, who obediently tosses the SD chip to Franko Masi. The man catches it and gives me a hard look. "What is this, Attolini?"

There's less bite in his voice. In fact, the Gattos are looking about as swayed as I could have possibly hoped. It's exactly as I've theorized. Because of twisted Lorenze and his poisonous sons, the Gatto family has been rotting from the inside out. Their loyalty is low enough that most members who fall into Attolini hands end up squealing. The Gatto family has cannibalized its own members, and they can't live with the reality of the family. Even the higher-ups recognize the losses caused by their leaders.

It's a hollow empire, and I'm testing the pressure to watch it collapse. The Attolini family can absorb anything of value, Gattos and their assets or whatever else. They just need to see the safer option.

"The Attolinis have killed far less than you might realize. That has locations of several burial sites, with proof that Lorenze has double-crossed more than you know. You'll see exactly where your family's income is getting siphoned off as Lorenze's pocket change. And his list of Gatto widows beside a list of sold women. A hell of an overlap there. "

I flick my eyes to the back of the diner, where more voices drift out of the old underground speakeasy room, and I see Masi's lips tighten. He knows why I'm here. They all do.

And yet, none of them shoot. The guns lower.