Percy nods. He opens his mouth to say something else, but my phone rings, interrupting him. I check it and answer.

“Sarah. Did the wire transfer go through?”

Percy perks up immediately, pointing at my phone and mouthing,“Sarah?”

“Yes. The million should be in Miss Rivera’s account now. I’ve also forwarded you the contact information you requested for the contractor, Mr. Fiore.”

I ignore my friend’s excitement. “Perfect. Thank you.”

“Hey Boss—I mean,Mr. Fiore, can I talk to her?”

I give Percy a look, but he just grins. “Was there anything else, Sarah?”

“Yes, actually. I received a call from Mr. Attolini earlier. He asked to speak with you about some kind of…arrangement? I’m not sure what he was talking about, but he insisted you call him when you could.”

I sigh. It’s not the first time my father has decided to contact me through my business identity. Usually, it only happens when he’s been moving around and changing phones. “I see. I’ll take care of it.”

I hang up, and Percy fakes a pout, which doesn’t look great considering the number of times his face has been bashed in by the Gattos. “Come on. You’ll let me talk to her eventually, right?”


“Pfft. We’ll see about that. Did I hear her say something about a million? Don’t tell me you’repayingSybil? That’s just…wrong.”

I promised to pay her the sum at conception. It was in the contract. Even though I would prefer to do away with the contract completely—it feels too transactional and cold compared to the joy I experienced yesterday—I haven’t talked it over with Sybil yet. Her expectations might remain the same.

That thought bothers me. Does she still hate me the way she did at the start? Everything about this arrangement has changed for me because I have every intention of keeping her along with the baby. I want her to want that, too.

But she did run from me only yesterday.

“My business is my business.”

“Whatever. And a contractor, huh? Are you looking to build a new mansion somewhere or what?”

I’m looking to build a nursery in my building. Unless Sybil wants it somewhere else. Perhaps I should have a couple of options prepared. Wherever she wants to raise the baby, I’ll be happy to make it perfect for the two of us.

The three of us,my brain corrects.

I clear my throat before studying my friend through narrowed eyes. “My father wants to speak with me. Why?”

His bushy eyebrows fly up, and he raises his hands as if to show he’s unarmed despite the heat I can tell he’s packing over his right hip. “It wasn’t me. I swear. I said nothing to him about Sybil or anything else—I haven’t spoken to him at all since your last meeting. In fact, I’m a bit worried I’m no longer his favorite.”

“You were never his favorite.”

“Keep telling yourself that. So, about getting Sarah’s number….”

I nod at Giovanni to start the car, and the car beside us roars to life. Percy sighs.

“Fine. I’ll call you later to update you on any new movements from the Gattos. Enjoy your chat with Big Man.”

After Giovanni drives the car away, bouncing wildly over speed bumps and taking turns too fast, I sigh and leave the parking garage, walking back to my apartment. As I do, I dial my father.

“Mio figlio,”he answers. “I want to see you.”

“I see. Why?”

“You know I hear things, Dominick. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. This last thing, though, I hope it’s a good thing. I hear you’ve been guarding a woman.”

I step around a group of people chatting on the sidewalk, eyes lifting to my penthouse up ahead where Sybil might already be awake. “I have.”