Percy nudges me forward. “Boss’s orders, remember?”

“Your boss just wants me to owe him crushing amounts of debt,” I grumble.

The ladies at the store are all delighted giggles when Ace tells them I need a whole new wardrobe. It doesn’t hurt that he’s a handsome kid, scar notwithstanding. Percy folds his arms and waits in the corner while the fashion-forward workers hold up shirts and dresses and pants, trying to help me find my style. One of them insists I’m a “winter,” whatever that means, and they quickly put together outfits that I can’t pretend aren’t gorgeous.

“How about this red dress, love?” a dark-skinned woman with a British accent asks, holding it up. “It’ll drive your boyfriend here absolutely wild.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I laugh at the same time he says, “Her real boyfriend will probably like it.”

Then I give Ace a look. “He isn’t my boyfriend, either.”

He laughs. “Keep telling yourself that, Sybil. You have Nico whipped. Whether you think of him as yours, he thinks you’re his.”

I smile at the woman and accept the dress from her. She flits off to find another of the endless pile I’m trying on, and I shove the dress into Ace. “Uh huh. And what would you know about dating? I doubt your lifestyle gives you a lot of experience in that department.”

He shrugs, but I can tell I’ve hit a nerve with him. “Yeah, well…everyone meets someone eventually.”

If he thinks it’ll be that easy for a mafioso when it comes to dating, I’m sure he’s in for a rude awakening. I glance over at Percy as he approaches, raising my eyebrows. “Is that true? How about you,‘The Kid?’Have you met your ‘someone’ yet, or does what you do get in the way?”

He snorts. “So judgy. I do just fine, thanks for your concern.”

“Yeah? When was the last time you were in a real relationship?”

Percy opens his mouth and then closes it. Then he grunts and leans against the wall. “Every situation is different. It’s all about the timing. I’m just waiting a bit for mine.”

I arch my eyebrow. “So, you have someone you’re waiting on?”

“Eh. You’re too nosy.”

“He has a major boner for our boss’s assistant,” Ace snickers, ducking away when Percy swipes at him.

Oh. I didn’t realize Nico even had an assistant. I suppose it made sense, for how complicated it must be to balance mafia business and his own assets and investments.

“Does he not know you like her?”

Percy rolls his eyes. “Just get back to picking out something to try on so we can get out of here faster. I’m scaring off all their business and they’re bound to take notice.”

I laugh and examine another shirt that costs an arm and a leg. Then I glance at Ace again. “I mean it. You don’t have to do this for your whole life, you know. You could go to school, find a girlfriend, get a normal job…”

Ace musses his hair. “This job I already have isn’t the kind you can just quit, you know.”

It’s almost exactly what Nico said. I look down sadly at the fabric in my hands. I can’t imagine if I felt like this was just my life. I mean, I get it to a small extent because my life has been so steeped in mafia drama for four years, but still. Don’t they feel stuck?

“Besides,” he goes on with a shrug. “I know some women. I’ll find someone I really like sooner or later.” Then his eyebrows bounce up, and he appraises me. “Hey, I heard you have a younger sister. Is she anywhere as hot as you?”

I throw the shirt in his face. “Fuck off. You’re not meeting my sister, you little scamp.”

He laughs, but I’m distracted by my phone buzzing again. I check it quickly, wishing I wasn’t so hopeful to see another message from Nico—or “The Pantytaker,” as I named his contact.

But it’s just a text from Krista, a question about whether she should pay the water bill now or at the end of the month. I frown because we’re already at the end of the month. Wait—no, we’re not. I check the date and time again and scoff to myself. Has it really already been this long since I was kidnapped and nearly sold off? That’s wild.

Then I stiffen. Holy shit.That’swhat week it is?

Oh my God.

“You good, short stuff?” Percy asks. “You look pale.”

I swallow and look up at him. “Hmm? Yeah. Yep. I’m good. But I really need to go to a corner store or a pharmacy or something. Come on.”