I growl and move up her body again, shucking my own clothes as I do. "You don't give the orders,monella. I do. And I'll fuck you as you've never been before."

Her hand presses against my jaw so I'll look at her, and Sybil kisses me, slow and sensual. Then she bites my lip hard enough to make me groan and pulls back with a naughty gleam in her eye. It's a look that would stop any man dead in his tracks. I know because it was my undoing years ago.

"Oh yeah?" she whispers. "Prove it."

I laugh breathlessly and catch her lower lip between my teeth. "Just remember you asked for it."

Chapter 11


Sex has never made me this sore before. But then, I've never been with someone who fucks the way Nico does.

Which is alot.

I roll over in bed and stretch, wincing a little at the soreness here and there. It's not a bad feeling—not by a long shot. It's just that my body isn't used to such regular…attention.I haven't really had boyfriends over the last four years, just occasional flings. And they weren't nearly as skilled as Nico Attolini is in bed. He's on a level all his own.

And now that we're trying for a baby, he's a fucking relentless beast.

Trying for a baby. With Nico.God. It's still hard to believe.

For the last four days, I've been willingly trapped in some type of warped alternative universe. I wake up in Nico's luxurious bed, usually after sleeping in to make up for the sex-filled night before. And just like right now, he's usually gone, up early to take care of some business I don't want to know about.

But it never takes long. He returns throughout the day to check on me and usually takes me right back to bed. Or on the couch. Or just up against a wall in one of his many outlandishly expensive rooms. We even did it once on his massive dining room table.

Like I said. He's a beast.

Yesterday, Percy the Kid brought up a couple of boxes filled with some of my things. I don't know how my mother reacted to the hulking mobster asking for them, but I know she's the one who packed the boxes because I found a little handwritten note from her in them. It was long, filled with worry, but also with a bright undertone. The Attolinis let her know the Gattos wouldn't bother them anymore. She's ecstatic but overtly worried about me.

She shouldn't be. Nico's place is the fanciest building I've ever been inside, and I'm far from uncomfortable here. Everything I eat is gourmet. The view is incredible. It's surreal.

But no matter how oddly spoiled I feel, I don't want to just be stuck in here all the time. I want to check on my family and see for myself that they're safe and sound. And I don't want to feel like a prisoner.

Which is why when Nico steps out of the elevator nearly an hour later, he's faced with me standing with my arms folded, boots laced up, and jacket zipped.

"I'm going out."

"No. You're not."

I bristle. There it is. No matter the sexual tension constantly flaring up and being satisfied between us, there's always this. Something about him brings out the bitch in me—he makes my temper shorter, and my pride rear its head. I must do the same to him because even with all the impassioned fucking over the last four days, we can't seem to help the biting remarks. An angry simmer always builds in each other's presence.

"It wasn't in the contract that you can just keep me inside all the time," I point out, stepping in front of him to cut off his path to the bedroom.

Nico looks me over slowly. I try not to let the hunger in his turquoise eyes affect me, but it's futile. It's not fair that he's this handsome, all dark hair and sharp angles and muscle.

"You're right. It's not. But me ensuring your safety is. Right now, the Gattos are angry and out for blood. I won't let them have yours."

I tense. "Wait, why are they so angry? Is my family in more danger now?"

"They're protected, Sybil. The Gattos won't touch them as long as my men are near."

I latch onto his reassurance since it's clearly the chance to get out of here. "Really? Then can I verify that? If my family is so perfectly safe with the Attolinis, I will be too. Safe enough to get out of this building and check on them. We'd all be nice and safe because of your family. Right?"

Nico looks at me for a long moment and then sighs something in Italian. "Fine."

Yes! I step around him, practically bouncing with excitement as I get in the elevator and hit the first floor. But before the doors close, he steps in with me. I scowl at him as we descend.

"Are you going to stop me before I can make it out because—"