Finally, she sets down the papers and looks at me, fire crackling in her eyes. "You weren't going to bother explaining some of those hidden clauses, were you? Like the fact that I can't live at home. It says my place of residence for the duration of the pregnancy will be here.Here?Seriously? I'm not fucking living with you, Nico."

"That's non-negotiable," I snap. "This is the safest place for you and the baby. And you'll have your own space and rooms. It's hardly a chore for you to stay."

"Yeah? What about all the other bullshit? The required pregnancy classes and vitamins and the personal security? It's too much."

I lean forward, holding her gaze sternly. "I'm paying for all of it."

"But I'd be perfectly fine in my own home. I don't need—"

"What youneedis to be safe and cared for so you and our child will be healthy. You live in a shitty house in a shady neighborhood with an overdemanding job that has no real benefits. You're quitting your work, and it's all changing. None of that is negotiable."

Sybil's face flushes, and she stands. I rise, too, matching her fiery glare with one of my own. "God, you're such a primitive caveman asshole. You can't honestly expect me to just accept when you say I can'twork."

"Don't put words in my mouth. You can work all you want, just not there. It's too far of a commute from Manhattan, anyway. Get another job that doesn't pay you in peanuts—one that doesn't let its employees get kidnapped in the goddamn parking lot."

She makes an infuriated sound and looks down at Mike. "The clauses are insane. Take them all out."

He straightens his tie, smoothing his hair. "Sorry, no can do. It's Mr. Fiore's contract, not mine. You either agree, or you don't, Miss Rivera—but honestly, if I was you, I wouldn't fight the clauses. They're all in your best interest. It's an extremely generous contract."

"Whatever. Keep dancing, monkey," she mutters, folding her arms.

She stews while we're locked in a standoff once again. Her stubbornness and irritation are boiling over, her pretty dark eyes boring into mine. Her fury is more seductive than she knows, and it's a challenge to keep my hands off her and my eyes away from her rising and falling chest.

Sybil has had time to think about the contract. If she was refusing the idea of it completely, she would have walked back to the elevator and left long before now. But she's still here. I knew she would be irritated by the details, but I'm not budging on them. I will keep mycrudele tesorinaclose to me, protecting her from the ones who have toyed with her fear for four long years.

Finally, Sybil sits. To my relief, she picks up the silver pen resting beside the paperwork. Taking a deep breath, she hesitates above the first place to sign. Then she looks at me again.

"And after?"

I quirk a brow.

"You'll have custody, and I'll have my and my family's lives back. But after, would I…would I at least have the option to be in the baby's life?"

Something hidden deep in my chest melts slightly at her question, but I keep my face unreadable. "I promise you will always have the option.Sarai parte di noi."

She releases an annoyed puff of breath and signs.

My chest clenches at the sight, and my cock stiffens when she looks back up at me and simultaneously pushes the stack of papers over to Mike.She's agreed.I want her decadent body again. I want nothing more than to fuck her here and now, but she needs me to hold up my end first.

I hold her gaze as I call Percy. "Send the Sacco brothers over to watch the Rivera's house. Have Danny get a message to the Gattos. Make it a threat. They're not to come near Sybil's family again."

Relief floods Sybil's face at my words, and she swallows hard. I watch the contraction of her throat, ignoring Mike as he cheerfully gathers his things and excuses himself. As soon as the elevator doors close, Sybil is off the couch, and my arms wind around her. I chuckle darkly when she yanks hard on my tie to bring my lips to hers.

The taste of her kiss is sweet, but I'm hungry for more. I didn't get enough of tasting her yesterday. I break the kiss, loving the sound of her breathless gasp when I sweep her into my arms. We'll do this on the couch another day. Right now, I want to take my time and savor her moans.

I kick through the bedroom door and cross my room quickly, pressing her into the bed and lining her throat with more kisses even as she tries to catch her breath. She twists her head, trying to take in the room, but I'm already sliding her shirt over her head, my lustful frenzy increasing at the sight of her perfect breasts.

She mewls when I begin sucking on one, and her hands tangle in my hair. "Like I said," she laughs shakily. "Primitive caveman asshole. You could have at least waited—"

"No," I cut her off, trailing kisses over her stomach as I quickly remove the rest of her clothes. "I couldn't have. Neither could you, or you wouldn't have thrown yourself at me."

Sybil scowls. "I did notthrowmyself at you. I was just—"

Her words cut off with another cock-hardening little gasp as my mouth finds her pussy. I lick her entrance slowly, savoring her small moans and how her back arches to bring what I want closer to me. A few delicious minutes later, when I nip her clit gently, Sybil cries out and shudders, legs locking around me as she orgasms.

So fucking perfect.I want more of this—more making her body buck with pleasure and her breathy voice both begging and cursing me. I want to make this last all day. Enjoy every second.

But Sybil's lust-heated eyes find mine, and she breathes, "Fuck me already, Nico."