The day had passed in what seemed like the blink of an eye. He'd barely seen Everleigh today, but he was looking forward to finding out how her day went. He'd worked with the Hickory Hills men and they were all hard workers. They learned what he wanted quickly and they were efficient. As soon as he could, he'd tell other farmers about their work ethic. They were used to working sunup to sundown, so to break for meals was a real kick to them. They came back to the field with full bellies and eager to work again.

He heard them ribbing each other and he chuckled. It sounded a lot like him and his friends. And why wouldn't it? They'd let the feud of years gone by color their impression of each other. He was excited to be part of the change here.

He trudged along the edge of the field, checking the fence as he strolled. It looked good. As soon as the house came into view, his excitement grew. By god, he owned a farm. And, he had a girl. Not just a girl, his dream girl. She was all the things. Smart. Kind. Beautiful. All the things.

He saw Spencer up on the ladder near the barn and sauntered over to see how far he'd gotten today.

"Hey there. How did it go today?"

Spencer came down the ladder and pointed to the camera. “I’ve got a camera installed on each corner of the barn. The wiring is all run. I had to wait until the horses were out today. I'm sorry, I spooked one of them this morning waving the antenna around. She thought I was going to whip her. I'm still mad at myself for that."

"Was Everleigh nearby?"

"Yeah. She and the veterinarian were here and got things under control quickly. It never occurred to me, Henry."

Henry chuckled and patted Spencer's shoulder. "Don't worry about it. If they managed to get things controlled, it's all good. These things will happen from time to time until the horses are used to us and know they're completely safe."

"Yeah." Spencer then stepped into the barn. “I also have cameras in each corner in here. There's a separate one in the tack room. And one in the feed room. Tomorrow, I should be able to hook everything up."

"Wow, you've been working hard."

Spencer shrugged. "We all are. Kenna's on her way out to see the place. I hope you don't mind that I invited her."

"Of course not. Besides, I don't think she's met Everleigh yet, so it'll be great for them to meet."

Henry glanced out the door. "Speaking of, where is Everleigh?"

"I don't know."

Henry shrugged. "I'll find her. It's nearly dinnertime. Mom texted me."

"Okay. As soon as Kenna gets here, we'll come in."

Henry sauntered to the house, he could hear the laughing and chatting wafting out here. He loved that. It had been like this his entire life. Everyone together. He hoped Everleigh liked having people around. It had been different for her.

He clomped up the steps. His feet felt like they weighed a hundred pounds. Inside the aroma of food made his stomach growl.

Yvette was the first person he saw. "Hey, Henry. How did you do this afternoon?"

"We did great. We've got two fields completely fenced."

"That's fantastic."

He shrugged. "How did you do this afternoon?"

Yvette laughed. "We got every dish in the kitchen pulled from the cupboards and washed. The cupboards have all been washed out and lined and the dishes put back in. I can't speak for the others, but I think Isi and I did a damned good job."

He chuckled. "It sounds like it."

Yvette finished putting something in the linen closet and went back to the kitchen. He followed her.

His mom looked up from something on the counter and scooted through the people and to him. "Hi. Did you have a good afternoon?"

"I did. I'm hungry and I can't find Everleigh."

His mom giggled. "She is taking a shower. Apparently Queenie decided to be a bit of a, well, a queen and gave her a bit of trouble. She came back to the house covered in horse doo and looking rather defeated."