Gerard nodded. "That's the way it is now. Among many other changes here. Henry Delany, meet my sister, Hanalore Howard. Hana, this is Henry."

He reached forward and shook Hana's hand. She also had bruises on her face, not as bad as Gerard, but she'd been hit. It took him a moment, but Hanalore was also Craig's wife.

"How are you doing, Gerard?"

"I'm healing. So is Hana."

Henry shook his head. It was disgraceful to hit a woman. It boggled his mind how Craig had gotten this far.

"I'm sorry for your injuries. Have you found him yet?"

"No. We still have men out looking though."

"I hope they find him soon. We all need the peace of mind."

"That we do. What can I help you with?"

"I came up to see if there are four or five men who'd like to work for me on my farm. I have a fair amount of work to do, and I'll take anyone willing to do it."

Hana stepped back. "I'll go find Jasiah, he'll know who's looking for work."

"Thank you." He nodded to Hana and when she smiled he saw how similar she and Gerard looked. At least when they weren't beaten and bruised.

Gerard motioned to the bench alongside him. "Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable. It won't take long. I think there's quite a few men who'd be willing to go down the mountain and work."

"Good to hear." He sat on the wooden bench and stared into the ashes of the fire that had likely burned last night. The smell of fresh burnt wood and something else wafted in the air.

He turned his head to stare at Gerard, the man seemed sad and sore. "How are you really, Gerard?"

"I'm worried. Craig knows these mountains like the back of his hand. He can live on the land, he can hunt, and he can stalk us for days and days. I keep thinking if I sit out here, it'll bait him into coming out to finish me off. Then, hopefully, Jasiah or someone else will be able to finish him off." Gerard looked him in the eyes. "I know that sounds bad, I just don't know how any of us will be safe while he's around."

"I've worried and wondered the same thing. He's proven he will not abide by the laws of the town. He's fought any change from the beginning. And, he'll continue to poison the well, so to speak, as long as he's alive. Unless we can get him in a prison."

Gerard's head slowly shook. "No. He has to die. It's the only way."

"Well, we can't plan a murder and not go to jail ourselves. It's against the law."

Gerard's head slumped down further. "I'm aware."

Henry turned his body so he faced Gerard. "Don't do anything that will put you in prison for Craig. He isn't worth spending the rest of your life behind bars."

Gerard's sad eyes looked into his and he felt so damned sorry for this man. He was beaten and he seemed broken. His faded blue eyes, the left one with broken blood vessels, stared for a long time into his eyes. "I won't do anything...what do you call it? Premeditated."

He reached out and put his hand gently on Gerard's forearm. "I'm here, and so is my team if you need anything."


Footsteps came close and he sat up and watched as Jasiah and four men approached. "Good morning, Henry. This is Liam Price, Carson, Waylon, and Duffy Park. They're brothers. This is Henry Delany. He has work on a farm for you to do."

Henry stood and shook all of their hands. "I can bring you down and back home tonight if you like. I'm not sure if you have a vehicle to use."

Liam was the first to respond. "We have the old truck. We can follow you down."

"Sounds good." He shook Gerard's hand and whispered. "Don't do anything stupid. He's not worth it."

"I won't." Gerard stood and looked at the men going down the mountain. "Make us proud."

Liam nodded and grinned. "We'll work our asses off."