Page 7 of That First Date

While I filter through my thoughts, I decide to shoot Kali a quick text.

This was a terrible idea.


No it wasn’t.

He can’t stand having me around him.


The way he looked at you when he was here tells me otherwise.

I can’t stand you.


I love you too.

I groan in frustration before I quickly give myself a once over in the mirror. As I step out of the bathroom, I see Marc waiting for me and looking as sexy as ever. His back is pressed against the wall. His suit jacket is unbuttoned, and he has one foot propped up behind him. Christ, he looks good.

“Marc.” I blink. Heat rushes to my cheeks that I’m sure are now tinted pink and giving me away.

“Let’s go.” He pushes himself off the wall and comes over, stopping when he’s standing directly in front of me. Our difference in height causes me to have to tilt my head up to maintain eye contact with him, being that I’m a whopping five foot four and he’s a six foot one Adonis.

His hand finds the side of my neck and my body tenses from the unexpected contact. Without a doubt, he can feel my pounding pulse in his palm. His thumb gently strokes the apple of my cheek as he continues to stare into my eyes. His light brown, almost whiskey-colored eyes are making me feel dizzy and drunk, like I just downed a fifth. My hands grip his waist to steady myself from this uneasy feeling.

I close my eyes and suck in a deep breath. I actually think he’s going to lean in and kiss me. Instead his lips brush my ear as he says, “we have to go meet Bill. Try to act like you’re in love with me.”

My eyes shoot open as I take a step out of his hold.

That wasn’t at all what I was expecting him to say.

“You got it, boss man,” I manage to choke out as I break eye contact.

He grabs my hand, interlocking his fingers in mine as we make way towards the main ballroom. Bill is standing there talking with a goofy looking dude. He looks like a total dickwad if I have ever seen one. I wonder if that’s his competition for this little ruse.

“Ahh, look who showed up,” the goofy looking dude mutters before taking a sip of his whiskey.

Marc smirks. “I’ve been here, Todd. I was on time for something, for once.”

It’s confirmed. Goofy looking dude is in fact Todd. The competition.

“Good evening, Marc.” The older man extends his arm for a handshake with Marc. “Good to see you.”

“Same to you, Bill.” He lets Bill go and the same hand reaches behind me to land on the small of my back, which happens to be exposed from the open back dress I’m wearing. His featherlike touch sends shivers down my spine. “I would like you to meet my fiancé, Avery.”

“I had no idea you were engaged.” Todd grins. A smug grin like he’s onto us within three seconds of standing here.

“I like to keep my personal life separate from my work life.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Bill.” I’ve had enough of Todd's bullshit. “I have heard such great things about you.” Marc grips my waist tighter at my remark. “How was your trip up from Florida?”

He nods. “It was a quick flight, but I already can’t wait to get back to the warm weather. It’s too cold up here for me.”

“I understand that,” I chuckle. “I am not made for the cold weather myself. Give me the sun, warmth, and a beach any day of the week.”

“I absolutely agree with you, Avery.” Bill laughs. “Are you originally from New York?”