Page 72 of That First Date

“That’s such a good plan.” Bill nods his head.

“Let’s sit for dinner,” Marc announces, cutting the conversation off.

My stomach churns with distaste.Fuck, what is wrong with me tonight?

There’s nothing better than the smell of garlic bread mixed with Italian flavoring invading my senses. But my stomach is screaming,don't you dare put that in your mouth.

I just have to get through dinner, I tell myself on repeat.

I switched to water once Bill and Cathy arrived. Feeling like alcohol was not a good choice with the pain coursing through my midsection.

“I have to use the restroom really quickly before we sit down,” Cathy announces. “Where is the ladies room?”

“Uhhh…” Fuck where is the restroom?

I look to Marc for help, but he’s engrossed in conversation with Bill facing the windows overlooking the city.

I stand from my chair to guide her to the bathroom. Looks like we’re taking a field trip in the penthouse and learning together, Cathy.

“Let me show you,” I tell her. “One could get lost in this place. I still do.”

She doesn’t so much as laugh at me, but a nervous chuckle escapes my throat.

I walk slowly as my eyes scan the one hallway that's set off the main open living space.It has to be this way. I tell myself.

Why are there one hundred doors in this hallway? Okay, that’s exaggerating. There’s probably four. But which one is the ladies room?

I open the first door and see a perfectly made bed. The room is filled with cream colored accents and next to nothing on the dresser. This must be the guest room.

“Oops,” I stammer. “Wrong one.”

We move to the door across the hall from it.


“Sorry. I tend to get my left and right mixed up with these two doors. There’s just too many here.” I’m waving my arms around like an Italian in a heated conversation.

She says nothing, but shoots me a questioning glare.

Dammit. I’m screwing this up for Marc.

I decide to see what the other two doors in the hallway hold while I’m on this little penthouse adventure.

When I open the third door, my jaw falls to the floor as I take in the exquisite home gym set up. There’s a treadmill smack dab in the middle of the room that faces the floor-to-ceiling windows for the perfect running view, and the floors are a rubbery black feel as if you were at a real gym. The one wall is lined with weights that look like they range from five pounds to one hundred pounds, and the other wall has different heights of pull up bars. No wonder his body is built like a brick.

I close the door and move to the fourth door. Hesitation washes over me because there’s only one possibility of what’s behind this door. His bedroom.

I slowly open the door and take in the master suite.

This… is…

My jaw hangs on the floor as I gape at the room that’s larger than my actual apartment. A theme of black and red paints the accents of the room. It’s masculine. It’s sexy. It’s…

“Are you alright?” Marc whispers in my ear.

I spin to face him as quickly as I can, closing the door behind me with more force than I intended.
