Page 64 of That First Date

“And I’d like to connect my fist to your mouth,” Avery bellows from the doorway.

“Excuse me?” Jessica turns her attention to Avery.

“You heard me.” She stalks over to where the two of us are standing. “Back up.”

“This is a private matter,” Jessica snaps back.

“Seducing my fiancé is a private matter?” Avery quirks an eyebrow.

“F-fiancé?” Jessica’s eyes snap to mine while my eyes snap to Avery’s. Our plan was for people in the office to not find out about this so that it’s not something that gets back to Bill. Except, I can’t help but feel excitement coursing through my body that she just called me her fiancéso easily.

“That’s her,” I say, grinning as my eyes stay locked on Avery’s.

“Well then.” Jessica takes a few steps back from me. “I see.”

“Will that be all, Ms. Klein?” Avery asks her as if she can sense that would be the next question out of my mouth.

Jessica drops the reports on my desk and grunts as she storms out of the office, slamming the door behind her.

“What the fuck was that, Marcus?” Avery throws her hands in the air. Clearly annoyed.

“You think I asked her to try and seduce me?”

“Is this your thing with her? Is that why she’s always here so early on Monday mornings? Oh my god,” she gasps and places her hands over her mouth. “Were you sleeping with her?”

“Avery.” I let out a long exhale as I make my way to stand in front of her. She makes a move to step away from me as if she’s appalled by me. “Avery,” I repeat.

“I have to get to work.”

She quickly tries to turn to head toward her office. My hand grasps her wrist to stop her, the force of my pull causing her body to collide with mine.

“Avery.” My voice grows louder as I repeat her name again. Using my finger to lift her chin so she looks at me. The moment her eyes meet mine, a grin forms on my face. She doesn’t smile back.

“It’s hot when you get all jealous.”

She tries to break free of my hold to stomp away, but my hands grip her upper arms to keep her in place, pressed against me. If she thinks for one second she’s going to get away from this thinking that I’m fucking Jessica, she’s sorely mistaken.

“Do you really think I would ever sleep with Jessica—”

“I mean,” she cuts me off quickly. Not allowing me to finish.

“Stop talking, Princess. Let me finish.”

Her lips form a straight line as if she just zipped them closed like an actual zipper was on her lips. I love how she looks when I call her Princess.

“Do you really think I would ever sleep with Jessica… when I can’t get the thought of you out of my head?”

I’m met with a stunned look in her eyes at the same time her lips part, just the slightest.

“When I can’t stop thinking about how fucking beautiful you look when you first wake up in the morning? Your hair a wild mess, and your pajamas wrinkled from a good night's sleep.”

She blinks a few times, clearly unable to reply.

“When I can’t get the taste of you off my tongue?”

“Marc,” she murmurs as she closes her eyes.

“When I can’t get the feel of your pussy pulsing around my cock all those months ago out of my head?”