Page 5 of That First Date

Pulling up in front of her building, I pause as I adjust my suit jacket before I make my way to her apartment. I stand outside of her door for what feels like minutes before I finally find the courage to knock. Within seconds, the door swings open and Kali is standing in front of me.

“Well, hello there.” She scans me up and down as if she’s approving of her friend's date for the evening.

“Hi, Kali.” I fake adjust the cuff links of my suit jacket that I already fixed to avoid her stare. “Is Avery almost ready?”

“Yup. She will be out in a second. Come in. Come in.” She steps aside and opens her arm to signal I can enter their space.

Their apartment is small. I don’t know how two people can live here. It’s crazy to think that there were almost three people in this space before Peyton took the nanny job with Tommy and moved in with him. The place is big enough for a loveseat sofa and two barstools at the kitchen counter. There isn’t even enough room for an actual kitchen table.

“Are you judging my apartment, Marcus?” Avery says from behind me, cutting through my thoughts.

My head snaps in the direction of her voice and it’s as if the whole world stops spinning on its axis. I feel my breath lodge in my throat as I take in the sight of her. I drink in her body from head to toe as she stands in place. Her long, bleach blonde hair is pulled back into a slick ponytail. She’s wearing the most stunning bright red dress that hugs every curve of her body and matches her personality. There’s no doubt in my mind that—

“I’m not wearing panties.” She laughs. As if she can read my mind.

“I wasn’t—”

“Yes you were, Marcus,” she cuts me off as she takes a few steps closer to me and I feel the heat of her body as she steps into my personal space. “Your face just told me that you were wondering if I was wearing panties under this.” She takes one final step closer. Our bodies are so close, and I feel a shiver run down my spine. She leans in to whisper in my ear. “The answer is no…babe.”

Babe. She’s playing the game of doting fiancé.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and force my mind to think of anything other than the way she just cooed the wordbabefrom her soft pink lips and how breathtaking she looks in this dress.

Or the fact she isn’t wearing any goddamn panties.

I clear my throat. “We’re going to be late. Are you ready?”

“Ohhh, the sexual tension.” Kali giggles from the kitchen island. “I can feel it from here.”

“Let's go.” I turn and walk towards the door, completely ignoring Kali’s comment. She’s not wrong, there is sexual tension. It’s likely one-sided because that small interaction with her just did something to me I can’t explain, yet Avery looks completely unphased.

This. Is. Not. Real.I repeat in my head as we exit the apartment and make our way to the car.

“Are you going to be a grump all night, Marcus?” she asks once we’re settled in the car.

“Stop calling me Marcus and I might not be,” I say as I unbutton my suit jacket. Avoiding every bit of eye contact with her perfect light blue eyes. “My name is Marc.”

“Marcus suits you best.”

A couple minutes pass by when I reach into my suit jacket to give her the fake, but very real diamond ring for her to wear tonight.

“Here. Put this on.”

Slowly I hand her the ring, still trying to avoid eye contact with her. I can't take a chance by looking at her before we get there. But I hear a small gasp come from her lips which causes my head to snap in her direction. Her hand is on her chest as her eyes bounce from the ring in my hand to my eyes.

“Is this real?” she asks barely above a whisper.

“It’s the realest fake engagement ring anyone will ever have,” I scoff.

“Are you going to put it on me?”

I feel my jaw harden as I practically grind my teeth together. “We don’t need to make a whole show of it.”

“Relax, you big goof.” She rolls her eyes. “I know this isn’t a real thing. But once we step foot from this car, it has to be. You’re the one needing this, not me. I’m just here to play the role of a happy fiancé.” She plasters a smile on her face at the same time she puts her hand out in front of me. “Why don’t you make me the happiest fiancé and slide that rock on my finger.”

I can’t help but shake my head. This girl is unreal.

My stomach bottoms out as I slowly slide the diamond onto her left ring finger. This feelstooreal. I have always wanted a wife and a big family. Never did I imagine that the first time I slid a ring on that finger would be for this stupid situation I got myself in.