“If you feel so inclined to show any sort of public display of affection, a simple kiss on the cheek or on the forehead will work.”
“I can work with that.” I nod. “Anything else?”
“Yes. Another big one,” she adds with a grin, holding up two fingers. “No seeing other people.”
I almost feel anger bubble up inside of me. Is that the kind of guy she thinks I am? Does she think I would ask her to be my fiancé while seeing someone else? I know my brother Thomas used to be like that. SomaybeI can see her thinking like that from conversations with Peyton. My youngest brother Oliver is definitely like that. But me? Absolutely not.
Not to mention… I haven’t been with anyone else since her.
But I am not about to admit that to her.
“I’m not that type of guy, Ave,” I say as I shake my head. “When I’m in, I’m all in. When you’re mine, you’re all mine. There will be no one else.” Her mouth is slightly parted at my words before I continue. “That goes for you as well. You see no one else during this arrangement.”
I stare intently at her and watch as she swallows what I assume is a lump in her throat. I can feel my body tense up as I prepare for what she might say to that.
“There will be no one else, Marc.”
“Great.” I relax as I stand from the seat. “Saturday night, we’re going out.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m taking you out on a practice date.” I wink and my body instinctively moves closer to where she is now standing behind her desk. “It’s a good opportunity for us to learn a little more about each other, get our story down and make sure we’re good to go before we do anything in front of Bill.”
“Right,” she huffs out with a laugh. “I guess we do need to make sure we have our ducks in a row.”
“Speaking of ducks… Is there any chance you still have the ring I gave you?”
She offers me a smile. “I do.”
The thoughts of her still having that ring send my heart rate up. I don’t respond back because I can’t find the words I should say back to that. I simply send her a wink before I retreat out of her office. As soon as I am crossing the doorway, I hear her call out my name.
“Marcus,” she says. “One more thing.”
Slowly I turn from where I’m standing and my gaze locks with hers.
“Don’t fall in love with me.”
Any words I had to say back to that are out the window. All I can do is stare at her.
This entire situation might be my idea.
But she is certainly the one in control here.
There’s no doubt in my mind that I am going to need to keep my head on straight with Avery Woods.
“I could use a fucking drink,” I mutter.
“It’s not even two in the after—”
I shoot Kali a look before she can finish that sentence. I haveneverin my life been on edge the way I have been this week. If I really stop to think about it, there is absolutely no reason for me to feel like this because Marc isn’t acting any different.
It’s most definitely the idea of this whole thing.
Marc and I have our first official ‘date’ tonight. Deep down, I know I can rock this fake fiancé shit. On the surface it's hard to ignore how my body reacts to him when he’s close. My heart rate seems to pick up speed, and my body tingles with…desirefor him to touch me again. Something I have never felt with another guy before. It makes me feel insanely uneasy.
“Oh! You have that date tonight with my brother!” Emiline exclaims.
Emiline is the youngest of the Ford siblings. She’s only twenty-two years old, but she acts mature for her age. She’s even the youngest student in her accelerated nursing program and on track to being top of the class. The day Peyton introduced her to us, it’s like we instantly became best friends because she fits in so perfectly with our little girl gang.