Page 113 of That First Date

“Let’s get one of you two kissing?” Cathy reluctantly asks. I’m pretty sure she’s just as onto them as we are.

“No, that's not necessary.” Vivian shakes her head.

“Come on, schmoopie.” Todd gives a puppy face.

“I'm going to throw up.” Avery scrunches her face beside me. “If you ever call meschmoopie,I’ll cut your balls off.”

“I’d never dream of calling you that, baby.” She smiles up at me.

We don’t know if the two of them actually kiss, but we hear the click of a camera go off as Avery and I intently stare at each other, both of us with smiles on our faces.

“That was a good one,” Cathy coos, the camera directly pointed at us. “My favorite one yet.”

“Wait, I wasn’t ready,” Avery whimpers, dragging my arm to the place where Todd and Vivian just were. “Now, I’m ready.”

Avery wraps both arms around my waist in a side hug, and I wrap one arm around her shoulders. When I pull her in close to me, she rests her head in the crook of my arm. We smile as Cathy snaps a few photos.Snap. Snap. I turn my head towards her and press a kiss to her forehead.Snap. Avery looks up at me, and presses up on her toes to meet my lips and sparks fly the way they do every single time I kiss her.Snap. I move my body until she’s flush against me, keeping my lips to hers. She grips my t-shirt, and my hand finds the small of her back.Snap. I dip her down, and she smiles against my lips as I practically make a show out of how we’re going to kiss on our wedding day.Snap.

“Wow,” Cathy says in shock. “That was… wow.”

We both snap out of our trance, our eyes finding the group and everyone looks shocked to see what just happened.

“Sorry,” Marc starts. “We got a little carried away.”

“I'm totally printing these out for you. They’re perfect. You two are… I’ve never seen chemistry like that before. I’m just so happy I got that on camera.”

Todd makes a grumble noise under his breath as if he’s annoyed.

Avery blushes next to me as if she was just caught doing something naughty. But there was nothing naughty or wrong about what just happened.

I might be sitting on top of a small mountain in New York.

But Avery has me feeling on top of the world.

We may have been nervous coming on this trip, unsure of what was in store, but I couldn’t think of a better place to spend the weekend with Avery. The last few days have only solidified exactly how I feel about her. I’m head over heels for her and I fully plan to tell her before this trip is over.

“Who’s ready for apple crisp?” Cathy asks as she steps out onto the back deck.

We just finished grilling burgers and rib eyes, and the sun has finally started to set behind the mountains. The mountain air is warm, but the breeze makes it feel crisp for the end of summer. Not a touch of humidity in the air.

Avery places her glass of white wine on the table to rub her hands together as if she’s ready to dive in. “You know I'm.”

“That’s my girl.” Cathy wiggles her shoulders with a little dance with her red wine swirling in the glass.

Todd looks at Avery with a scowl on his face. It’s very clear that he’s not having the same amount of fun as anyone else in the house. Vivian went off to bed right after dinner, complaining of a stomach ache or something. I mean… I’d be doing anything to get away from the toad-faced Todd, too.

“Dessert should be ready in about two minutes,” Cathy says as she looks at the kitchen timer she has clipped to her jeans. “Don’t worry, Avery… I made sure to bring a tub of vanilla bean ice cream.”

Hand on her heart she says, “You are too good to me, Cathy.”

“I’m going to get a refill.” Bill raises his glass of whiskey. “Anyone else?”

“I’ll take another. Thank you.” I raise my glass.

Bill retreats into the house and Cathy follows him.

“So, Marc.” Todd’s tone is dripping with a challenge. “Where did you two say you were getting married?”

“Sound River Studios,” I answer confidently. “We’re shooting for this spring.”