Page 102 of That First Date

“You’re going to the mountains,” Kali chimes in. “You have to look the part.”

“We’re just going to get you a pair of hiking boots to go with those leggings you plan to wear,” Peyton says. “The nights might even be a little cool. So we can get you a cute light vest to go with it. You will look really out of place rolling up to dinner in a flowery t-shirt and flip flops.”

“Okay, fine.”

“Lunch is on me,” Peyton says as the waiter hands her the check.

“No, that’s too much.” I try to grab the check from her hands. “You’ve already done too much the last couple weeks.”

“Me?” she exclaims. “What the hell have I done?”

“You know… helping arrange for my mom to be down here for the Fourth of July weekend.”

“I didn—”

“Stop,” I cut her off. “I know Jan is like a second mom to you, but you didn’t have to send her a check to cover some of her mortgage payments. It was too much.”

“Avery.” She stops me. “I didn’t do any of that. What the hell are you talking about?”


If Peyton didn’t do it, then…

I cover my mouth with my hands, and my eyes go wide. “Oh my god!”

“What’s happening right now?” Emiline looks worried.

“I think she’s going to pass out. Her face looks white,” Kali adds.

“Marc,” I breathe out.

“I wasn’t supposed to say anything, but he’s the one who paid for your mom to come down for the holiday. However, I have no idea what you’re talking about with the mortgage money.”

I shake my head in disbelief. Why would he do something like that?

I down the rest of my mimosa in one gulp. “A couple weeks ago, my mom called me to thank me for sending her some money to help her with bills. You know she’s been struggling since her fall. That’s why I assumed it was you.”

“But it was Marc, wasn’t it?”

“Who else could it have been? He knows about her situation.”

“Wow.” Emiline lets out a long exhale. “Just wow.”


“Logan told me he asked him to help find an address in Vermont. They pulled some strings and were able to find it. That must be what it was for.”

I swallow the lump in my throat.

My heart beats rapidly.

This man.

“Come on girls.” Kali stands from her chair. “Let’s go shopping. Ave has a big weekend with her future husband and we have to make sure she’s ready for it.”

“Yes! Let’s do this,” Peyton snorts.

I can’t help but shake my head and laugh at these girls as we stand and leave the restaurant. I don’t know how I got so lucky to have these best friends in my life.