Page 12 of That First Date

“Thank you for these reports. Next time, you can email them to me.” I move to stand from my seat. “If you will allow us a moment, please. I have to get Ms. Woods caught up.”

She nods and says nothing as she walks out of my office, closing the door behind her.

“She reeks of desperation.” Avery laughs as she moves to take a seat at the chair across from my desk. “She wants what's in your pants so bad.”

Wait… is she jealous? Or am I just imagining this right now?

“You’re late.” I ignore my own thoughts and her jab at Jessica.

“Actually.” She grins. “I am right on time. I was just watching the show take place here in your office for a few minutes. Quite enjoyable might I add.”

“Cute,” I deadpan. “Listen, I have a big meeting today. Bill is flying in from Florida and Todd is coming into this office.”

“Perfect.” She rolls her eyes. “Happy first day back to me,” she says sarcastically as her fingers squiggle in the air. “Is he going to finally tell you that you won this little game? It’s a little ridiculous that he's taken so long.”

“What’s it matter to you? I haven’t asked you to keep up the charade since that date.”

“Thank God,” she groans. “That night was excruciating.”

I can’t help the pained look that comes over my face or the fact that my eyes go wide. She doesn’t miss it either, by the way her wide eyes match mine. The hottest sex of my life was excruciating to her. I sure hope she is talking about just playing her role as a fake fiancé, because that would mean that the chemistry I felt in that supply closet was one-sided.

“I didn’t mean it like that.” Her cheeks heat up and I watch as they turn a shade of light pink. “Acting like we were in love. That’s what I meant.” She moves to stand from her chair and points to where her desk is. “I will… uh… get to my desk. I have work to catch up on.”

I’m silent as I watch her head to her desk. She walks away with her tail between her legs, not realizing the only thing separating us is a glass window.

Leaning back in my chair, I lift one leg and rest it on my thigh as I intertwine my fingers together under my chin. I don’t know how long I am staring at her getting settled in her desk, but when she finally looks up, I can’t help the shit-eating grin that covers my face.

Clearly, that night was not as excruciating as she claimed it was.

* * *

My lunch meeting with Bill and Todd was scheduled for eleven am. But it ended up being pushed to one in the afternoon, and I would be lying if I said that extra two hours waiting decreased any of my anxiety for this meeting. It only made it worse.

I like to think I’m ruthless in business meetings. It’s why Thomas and I make such a good pair. Right now, all of my confidence flies out the window as I wait for Bill to deliver the final verdict.

The door to the boardroom swings open and Bill walks in with Todd not far behind. He’s a lost puppy with a spot of brown on his nose from his head being so far up the boss's ass.

“Bill.” I stand from my chair and meet him halfway. I extend my hand for a shake. “It’s good to see you again. I take it you had a nice flight?”

“I did. Thank you.”

Bill takes his normal seat at the head of the table.

“Todd,” I greet him curtly.

“Marc,” he greets me back in the same cold manner.

“Sit down,” Bill says. His voice is in full business mode. “Let’s get started. I want to take my wife to dinner tonight for some Italian. The Italian in Florida is not the same as it is up here.”

“I agree with you,” Todd says enthusiastically like he’s trying to win brownie points. “Can I recommend anywhere for you two?”

“No. I’m from here, remember?” Bill laughs. Almost annoyed with him.

“Right.” Todd nods.

“I called both of you here today to discuss the future of Prestige Horizon.” His eyes bounce back and forth between Todd and me. “I started this business when I was just twenty-one years old, and it means a lot to me. As you know, I don’t have children, which also means I don’t have any grandchildren. There is no one in my direct family that I can pass this legacy down to. The decision I am making is strictly between the two of you. You both have been with me since graduating college and are my longest standing employees, which shows me your dedication to the company.”

Todd and I show agreement as we take in what he is saying. I can feel the grip I have on my pen hardening and sweat forming on my palms as he continues.