Page 9 of Breaking Limits

“You can see he’s a Carson. Look at that frown.”

“Don’t do that.” I shake my head at her. “Don’t make out this is just a grandma meetin’ her grandkids for the first time. You’re here because you tried to fuckin’ kill yourself and you’re here because my wife has a good fuckin’ heart and a kind nature. I’ve arranged for you to have some sessions with a shrink, and you’ll be sleepin’ in your old room.”

“I appreciate that, Garrett.” She looks up at me sheepishly.

“Why?” The question comes out, despite me trying to keep it in. I don’t want to seem weak in front of her or Maisie. Especially at a time like this when I’m supposed to be strong.

“I felt I had nothing left to live for.” She shrugs her shoulders and her cheeks flush red. “Where are Wade and Cole?” She looks around the room like she was expecting them to be here.

“Wade left town. He’s back with the rodeo, and Cole… well, Cole’s gonna need his space.”

“I understand that.” She nods back at me slowly, but I see the disappointment on her face.

“Do you want to hold her? She’s all finished up here,” Maisie offers, standing up carefully with our daughter in her arms. “We named her Breanna, after her auntie,” she tells Mom as she places her into her arms.

I watch Mom’s eyes drop down onto her granddaughter and see the way they fill up with tears.

“She’s beautiful. What a very special gift you have given this family, Maisie.” I wonder if those tears are genuine. Surely a woman who had a heart would have been incapable of abandoning her children. Breanna wasn’t even walking when she left.

“Garrett, why don’t you head out and check in with the boys? I’m sure me and your mom can manage here.” Maisie looks at me with a reassuring smile.

“I’d love to help. In any way I can.” Mom cradles Breanna, looking grateful.

“You sure?” I check.

“I know you’ve been desperate to check up on everything out there. I’m sure we can manage for an hour or two.” My wife proves how amazingly strong she is.

“Okay, holla if you need anythin’.” I hand Jack over to his mom and stroke his little hand before I kiss her. Then, heading over to the bassinet where Jacob is sleeping soundly, I touch my fingers over his little chest as delicately as I can. “I won’t be long.” I move toward my mom and crouch down to kiss my little girl before I pick up my hat and place it on my head.

“Garrett,” Mom calls out my name before I can get to the door, sounding a little desperate. When I turn around, the smile on her face looks riddled with guilt.

“Thank you, again.”

I say nothing back, just nod my head and make my way out, hoping she ain’t gonna make me regret it.

2 weeks later

Istare at the screen of my new phone knowing there won’t be any messages coming through. Caleb got me a brand new one, with a brand new number, and cut me off from the world I know a little bit more. I look across his father’s dinner table at him, and the fake smile he gives me makes me want to take my heels off and stab them into his eyeballs.

“Expecting a call, darling?” he asks, taking a sip from his wine glass.

“Just checking the time.” I put it back in my purse when the housekeeper places my plate in front of me.

“Looks good.” Caleb gets stuck right in, while I stare at the food on my plate and try not to cry. I feel like I’ve lost myself, already. I’ve allowed Caleb Mason to break all my spirit. I haven’t spoken to my best friend or my sister in over two weeks. Every night I stare at the ceiling while a man I detest attempts to put his child inside me; and the only bit of satisfaction I get out of the day is popping my birth control pill after he’s left for work each morning, to prevent it from happening.

“Are you not hungry, Leia?” Mr Mason snaps me out of my thoughts.

“No,” I shake my head, doing my best to remain polite.

“You know that was the first sign Marion had that she was pregnant.” He shoves another cut of meat into his mouth and lazily chews around it.

“Dad, we’ve only been married three weeks. Give us a chance.” Caleb laughs, though the look he gives me across the table is full of determination. “We’re working hard at it, aren’t we, sweetheart?”

“You know, I don’t think I want to discuss my sex life over the dinner table with your father.” My knife and fork clatter when I drop them, and something inside me snaps.

“Dad’s just eager to have his family name secured,” Caleb explains, keeping that same fucking grin on his face, and the chair scrapes on the floor when I stand up and start heading for the door.

“Leia…? LEIA!” Caleb calls after me, and I spin on my heels to face him.