Page 8 of Breaking Limits

“Get off me!” I struggle beneath him when I feel him fumble with my panties, ripping them to one side so he can enter me. Usually, I don’t give him the satisfaction of a reaction but in this instance, I can’t help it. I growl in pain as he fucks me hard and fast, pulling the hair from my scalp as his cock invades me. I grip one of the cushions and let my tears spill into it as he grunts and moans inside my ear.

“You’re my wife, Leia, I will keep on fucking you until you make yourself useful and give me what I want.” He holds himself still inside me as he shoots his load and while his fingers crush into my hips and his heavy breath falls onto my neck, I curse Wade Carson in my head for leaving me.

“What’s troublin’ ya?” I ask Maisie when I notice her checking her phone again.

“I’ve had five messages not delivered to Leia, and she hasn’t called,” she explains.

“She’s on her honeymoon, isn’t she?” Savannah puts down the magazine she’s reading.

“It got canceled but—”

“She’s probably getting down and dirty with her new husband,” Savannah points out while me and my wife share the same doubtful look. “We need to focus on real-life problems here, like where I’m going to sleep once your mother-in-law arrives.” She reminds me of the fact that Mother is on her way here from the hospital and puts me right back on edge.

“You might as well just move your things into Wade’s old room, he’s clearly not coming back,” Maisie tells Savannah sadly as she lifts Jack over her shoulder and pats his tiny back.

She’s taken to motherhood so well, it’s like she’s been doing it her whole life. Me, I’ve never been more scared. The love I feel for them all is beyond fuckin’ frightening and I just wanna get the lot of ‘em and wrap ‘em in bubble wrap.

“You can have mine,” Cole cuts into our conversation, coming down the stairs with a holdall on his shoulder.

“Whoa now, what the fuck you talkin’ about?” I block him from getting to the door.

“I said, Red can have my room. I ain’t stayin’ here, it’s crowded enough.”

“Red… I mean Savannah…” I correct myself when my wife throws me a look. “…Can bunk up in Wade’s room, we got plenty of space, you're not goin’ anywhere.” I take the strap off his shoulder to prove it.

“Garrett, you got two little boys over there that ain’t even a week old yet, don’t make me kick their daddy’s ass in front of ‘em already,” he warns, snatching it from my hand and putting it back on his shoulder.

“Ain’t no way I’m gonna fight with ya, Cole. We need to stick together on this.”

“Guys.” Maisie puts Jack into her friend's arms and struggles up off the couch to come toward us. “I know this is tough on you both, especially with Wade not here, but what your mom did proves that she has regrets. Don’t fall out with each other over doing the right thing.”

Maisie knows I ain’t happy about this situation, having Mom be discharged from hospital to here is a terrible idea, especially at a time when we’re already having to battle with our restraint. Seeing Mayor Walker strutting around town is getting progressively harder and it helps me understand a little why Wade fuckin’ bailed.

“I told ya I’d be here for you, Garrett, I never said anythin’ about being under the same roof as her. I’ll pick up the slack out there,” he points to the door. “You’ll find me in the bunkhouse if you need me.” He takes his hat off to the girls before shoving past me and heading out the door.

I have to close my eyes and count to ten before I can turn back around to face my wife. She shouldn't have to be dealing with this, it’s only been a few days since she gave birth. She’s sore from her c-section and has three babies to take care of. I would say I’m grateful for Savannah being here, but the way she’s holding my son out in front of her like he’s just fallen out of a fuckin’ spaceship proves she ain’t exactly much help.

“You really think this is a good idea?” I move past Maisie so I can relieve Savannah of her duties, lifting him out of her hands and cradling him in the crook of my arm. “This is a hectic time, Maisie, you don’t need all the extra stress. We could have her taken to a facility—”

“Your mom has made it clear she wants to make amends, she deserves the chance to do that. And maybe having the extra help will be handy,” she points out, moving toward the bassinet when Breanna starts screeching. “We need all the help we can get until we figure out a routine.” She takes a seat, laying a muslin cloth over her shoulder and placing our daughter on her tit like she’s a pro.

The door knocks and when Tate steps inside, he nods his head at me before holding it open for our new guest, and I step in front of Maisie to block his view.

Mom walks in behind him, with her head down and an embarrassed look on her face.

“We stopped by the B&B to get these.” Tate places down the two large suitcases he’s carrying.

“You can take ‘em on up, third room on the right,” I order, looking at my mom who’s standing static in the home that used to be hers.

“Sure thing, boss.” Tate gets straight to work, and I stand in front of the woman who gave birth to me, having no idea what I should say.

“Thank you.” She breaks the silence. “I—”

“Don’t thank me, thank her.” I nod my head toward Maisie. “If I had my way you’d still be in hospital.” Mom looks at Maisie and offers her a sad smile, and she smiles back warmly as she strokes our little girl’s head.

“I should get on with moving my stuff into Cole’s room.” Savannah stands up when she senses the tension. “Pleased to meet you, Mrs Carson.” She bows her head politely, before rushing off up the stairs.

“May I…?” Mom gestures toward the baby I have in my arms and when I nod my head she steps forward, placing her hand on his tiny chest and managing another smile.