Page 54 of Breaking Limits

“Carson men don’t hang their heads,” I tell him firmly. “Now, we may not have had a dad we can be proud of, but we have a legacy that goes way beyond that fucker. Hundreds of years of Carson men wecanlook up to. You got a chance to be one of those men. You’re part ofthisnow, Dalton.”

“And proud to be,” he tells me with a confident nod of his head.

“Come on, it’s your birthday, and you're not nearly as drunk as you should be.” I smile at him, picking up my hat as I head for the door and lead him back out to the party. Everyone is singing along to the song that Mitch is playing, everyone except for Cole who’s sitting on his own on the bottom of the stairs, staring into empty space. Everything has hit him real hard, and I’m starting to wonder how much more he’s gonna take before he blows.

“Garrett. We got a problem.” I turn my head and when I see the real serious look on Noah’s face, it instantly turns my blood cold.

“A car just pulled up front. It’s Harvey Marston,” he tells me under his breath, and I ain’t ever seen the guy look so skittish.

“What the fuck ishedoin’ here?” I feel my eyes widen in shock; this is not what we need right now.

“I don’t know, maybe it has somethin’ to do with a mayor that ain’t supposed to be dead?” he hisses at me. “But you should know, heneverleaves New York.”

“Keep everyone inside, I’ll deal with this.” I place my hat back on my head as I leave everyone celebrating and sneak out the front door. When I see the smug son of a bitch standing in my yard with two armed men either side of him, it ain’t fear I feel, it’s pure fuckin’ rage.

“Garrett Carson,” he nods his head at me curtly.

“And you are?” I stare back at him and he laughs.

“Let’s not play games, Garrett, you know exactly who I am, and you know why I’m here.”

“You're gonna have to enlighten me.” I take a cigarette outta my pack and balance it between my lips before I spark it up.

“You may have pulled the wool over the eyes of the law, but you don’t fool me. I wasn’t ready for Mayor Walker to die.”

“I don’t think Mayor Walker was ready, either.” I snigger, before blowing out a cloud of smoke.

“You disobeyed a direct order, and not only that, you drew a whole lot of attention. What you’ve done leaves me in a very awkward position.” He sighs while I wait for him to tell me what he intends to do about it.

“Take a walk with me.” Harvey stands down his men and starts walking toward the gate that looks out over our land. Throwing his goons a sarcastic smile, I follow after him.

“It really is beautiful here,” he tells me thoughtfully when I get to him. “I’ve looked into you, Garrett, it seems like you got it all.”

“Listen, if you’ve come here to threaten me and my family, I suggest you get back in that fancy car of yours quick sharp. I’m a respectful man, but if you’re gonna bring a threat to my doorstep, you're gonna learn hella quick, that I ain’t a forgivin’ one.”

The asshole laughs at me again, and it takes all my strength not to knock the head off his fuckin’ shoulders.

“Garrett, I don’t make threats. I didn’t come across the country to kill you or threaten your family. I could have you and your whole family dead without having to leave my desk.”

I feel my body stiffen as the rage inside me starts to reach its limit.

“Don’t do me the dishonor of lying to me about Walker. Be a man and face up to what you did. That's the Carson way, right?Whatever it takes.” I got a good mind to stomp on this cunt’s face.

“So, whatdidya come here for?” I speak through gritted teeth and move him to his point.

“I have a town here that needs a mayor. Elections start next week, and whoever I put in the runningwillwin. I need that man to be smart, respected, and know how to step up when shit goes wrong.”

“I don’t see how that brings ya to my ranch.”

“All this is real pretty, something you must be proud of.” He ignores me and continues taking in the view. “Having the wrong person in charge of this town could make it very difficult for you to keep it.”

“Nah, our family’s been through its share of shit, and we’re still here,” I assure him.

“You can take your chance on that, but you will lose.”

“If you’re thinkin’ about puttin’ Mason in the seat, you’re makin’ a bi—”

“I want you,” he interrupts me, turning his head so he’s looking right at me, and stunning me into silence.