Page 43 of Breaking Limits

“I’m at home, my old house. In my daddy’s office.” I hang up the phone and stumble back onto the floor. Looking at the body in front of me and wondering how the hell it came to this.

Iabandon what I’m doing, and get in my truck, speeding all my way to the Walker mansion and barging my way through the front door without any consideration for manners. Leia didn't sound scared on the phone, she sounded fuckin’ petrified, and I don’t care what I’m about to face. I’ll fight it, and then I’m taking her home for good.

“Leia!” I call out her name as I march through the hall and when I let myself into her dad’s office and see Mayor Walker, laid out on the floor in a pool of his own blood, I halt in my tracks.

“Leia?” I look across the room to where she’s sitting against a filing cabinet, staring at him with her hands and her top covered in blood.

“What thefuckhappened?” I step over Walker’s body and go straight to her, crouching down in front of her and grabbing her sticky, shaking hands to steady them.

“I…I…” She struggles to catch her breath. “I killed him.” Her lips tremble as her eyes look past me and settle on her father’s body.

“Leia, darlin’. You gotta calm down, I need you to tell me what happened.” I quickly take out my cell and try to keep eye contact with her as I text Garrett to let him know we got a situation.

“There’s so much I have to tell you, Wade.” She shakes her head and continues to stare through me, blankly.

“Okay, then tell me. Just start from the beginnin’,” I’m doing my best to remain calm, but it’s hard. I’ve never seen my girl like this before.

“I came here to ask him for help, I can’t stay married to Caleb anymore.” She shakes her head.

“Did he hurt ya again?” I feel my fingers tense when I notice the fresh bruises on her face. “Yeah, we got back from church and we had a fight. He pushed me down the stairs.” She manages to get her words out and the anger they cause has me standing back up on my feet.

“Wait… Wade, that’s not it.” She looks up at me with such a scared expression on her face that I wanna find the fucker and tear him open by his asshole.

“He got worried about the baby, so he took me to the hospital.”

“Shit!” I figure now how this must have gone down, yet I’m confused how Mayor Walker’s ended up being the dead one. “He found out you lied?” I check, wondering where he is.

“No, the doctor, she… thereisa baby, Wade. I’m pregnant.” What she says takes me completely off guard.

“There can’t be, you're on the pill. You were makin’ sure that didn’t happen.” I’ve taken a lot of shit, but the thought of her carrying his child feels like too fuckin’ much.”

“I did, but—”

“You gonna keep it?” I interrupt her, the fact her father’s lying dead behind me don’t seem like too much of a fuckin’ deal anymore.

“Yeah, I’m gonna keep it.” Her words annihilate me, because there’s nothing she can say or do that’s ever gonna have me lettin’ her go, and now it’s lookin’ like I’m gonna be raising a Mason fuckin’ child.

“Okay,” I nod back at her, right now I need her to know that whatever shit gets thrown at us, we can deal with it. She needs me to be fuckin’ strong and sort this situation.

“I’m keeping it because it’s yours,” she adds, biting her quivering lip while she waits for my reaction.

“Mine?” Despite my confusion, the thought puts an instant smile on my face. “Leia, you can’t know that for sure.” I shake my head, ignoring my phone when it starts to vibrate in my pocket.

“Caleb left the room to speak to his dad on the phone. I asked the doctor how far along I was. She said at least eight weeks. The baby's yours, Wade.” Leia manages a tiny smile and I don’t care where we are or what’s happened here, I have to kiss her. It’s a shock, a huge fuckin’ shock. But I won’t pretend the thought of it doesn’t make me feel on top of the world.

“That’s why I came here. I came to tell my dad that he had to speak to the Organization.” She sniffs back her tears. “I came to tell him that I was leaving Caleb, and he gave me this.” Her hand pulls away from mine, and she reaches up onto his desk, patting her palm over its surface until she locates a business card and hands it straight to me. I study it and when I realize what it is, all my happiness crumbles into pure unrelenting rage.

“A clinic? He wanted you to go to a fuckin’clinic?” I stand up and kick my boot into the dead bastard’s body.

“Wade… Wade!” Leia screams at me. “Turn it over and look at the back.” There’s a pain in her eyes that makes my own chest hurt, and when I turn it around, I see a date written on a dotted line, the same date I have engraved not only onto my skin but into my fuckin’ head.

“It was him.” Leia slides herself up off the ground, coming toward me like she’s the one who needs to comfort me now. “He told me everything. He got Breanna pregnant, and when she refused to go to this appointment… He… he killed her.” She breaks down in my arms and I hold her tight, taking out my phone when it starts ringing again and bringing it to my ear.

“Wade, where ya at?” Garrett sounds worried.

“I’m at Mayor Walker’s house, in his office. You might wanna round up the River Boys and bring ‘em here too.”

“Please God tell me you ain’t done somethin’ stupid.” Garrett sounds worried.