Page 38 of Breaking Limits

“You’d be surprised what baby brain can do. I spent the first three months of my pregnancy in a complete head fog.” She laughs before the sound of Caleb’s phone comes from his pocket.

“That’s Dad, I left him a message saying what had happened. I better get this.” Caleb steps out of the room and leaves us alone.

“Leia, is there anything you want to tell me?” The doctor asks in a calm, soothing tone that makes me want to tell hereverything.

“No, honestly, I’m fine. I just…”

“You know everything you say to me is confidential. There are bruises on your body that have been there for some time,” she points out.

“You're going to scan me, right?” I ignore her observations, focusing on what’s more important.

“Yes, we will use the sonogram to check if your baby is okay, please try not to worry.”

“That’s the thing, there isn’t—”

“Dad’s on his way.” The door opening interrupts what I’m trying to tell her. The woman seems nice, like she might help me but I know it’s too late when Caleb is followed in by a nurse who pushes the machine I’m going to be scanned with.

I can feel my whole body shaking while the doctor starts setting up, and as Caleb eagerly watches her, expecting to see a baby on the screen, that fear that’s lodged in my throat feels like it’s choking me.

“Okay, let’s check it out.” She places the thing she’s holding against my stomach and I hold my breath as I wait for her to deliver the news that could quite possibly get me fucking killed.

“There we go, look, one perfectly happy baby. Complete with a strong heartbeat,” she tells me reassuringly. I drop my mouth open and stare at her in confusion, while Caleb breathes a long sigh of relief.

“See, I told you everything would be okay.” He taps my ankle. “I’ll go call Dad and let him know there’s no need for him to come.” He heads out the door with a spring in his step while I lie here baffled and suddenly a brand new horror takes shape in my head.

I’m actually pregnant. Real-life pregnant.

“Are you um… Are you sure there’s a baby in there?” I check, knowing how pathetic I must sound.

“Yes, see for yourself.” She turns the screen around for me to look at, and when I study it a little closer I can just make out the tiny little bean shape in its center.

“Oh, God!” The words fall out my mouth as I think about the fact that I’m pregnant with Caleb Mason’s fucking child. I don’t know how this has happened, I’ve been taking my pill every morning like a sacred ritual.

“How… how far?” I ask as the tears start to roll down my cheeks.

“I’d say eight weeks, give or take, we will book you in for a more detailed scan when you get a little further along.”

“Eight weeks? Are you sure?” I cling to the hope that she is.

“Yes, quite sure.” The doctor looks confused by my reaction, especially when I throw my head back and breathe a sigh of relief. If that’s the case, there’s no way this baby can be Caleb’s. It must be…

“I was on the pill, I haven’t had a period since I started taking it, but I was told that might happen when I had it prescribed. I… I took a plan B before… I…” I can’t make any sense of this.

“Sometimes these things happen. We can do all that's necessary for prevention. But nature takes its course. We can discuss your options, but first I’d like to talk to you about how you fell down those stairs.”

“I told you, I tripped.” I quickly stand up, taking the tissue that’s tucked into my waistband and wiping the gel from my stomach.

I’m having Wade Carson’s baby. We’ve never discussed having kids together. I only figured out I was in love with the man a few months ago. I don’t know how he’s gonna react to this, I don’t even know howIshould react to this. All I can think about is the fact I’m still in this shit situation, but now it’s not just me that’s in danger. I have a child growing inside me, a child I suddenly feel the strongest urge to protect.

“Leia, there are people you can talk to.” The doctor’s face is full of concern.

“I’m fine.” I look at the screen and see the image that’s frozen there. I have no idea how Wade is gonna take this, I don’t even know if I should tell him. He’s already a bomb waiting to explode and this will undoubtedly be the detonator.

Caleb strides back into the room with a huge smile on his face, standing beside me and placing his arm around me.

“Come on, darling, let's get you home and put you to bed. I think a lot of rest is prescribed, right, Doc?” He smiles at the doctor, who clearly isn’t buying into his charm. I shake my head at her and she looks disappointed as she pulls a card from her top pocket and places it in my hand.

“Those dizzy spells can become something a lot more serious if not monitored, please feel free to call any time.” She gives me a serious look as she opens the door for us, and I smile at her gratefully before letting Caleb lead me back toward the car.