Page 35 of Breaking Limits

“Caleb’s under a lot of stress, he’s got a lot going on at the moment. I want you to know that if there’s anything you need, you can always come to me.”

“I appreciate that.” I smile back politely as I forcefully remove my hand from his grip.

“I’m not a fool, Leia, I know marrying my son wasn't really your choice, but I’m really glad you're part of our family. Your child is just the start of us growing. There are big things in our future.” He picks up his coffee and blows the steam off the top.

“My wife would have loved to have seen a grandchild born,” he tells me reflectively, “Marion had a kind heart, she was maternal, a little too maternal if you ask me. She never came down hard enough on the boys. Your mother doesn’t seem that way to me.” He waits for me to react to his comment like he expects it to hurt me.

“No, she isn’t a maternal person, at all. I can only hope I’ll do better.” I don’t know how long Ronnie intends to stay but every second that passes sets me more and more on edge.

“You will, being a good wife and raising the kids is all you're gonna have to worry about.” The chuckle he makes has me wanting to knock the head off his shoulders, and I have to hide my relief when he drains the last of his coffee and finally struggles to get himself back up. I follow him as he leans onto his stick and slowly makes his way toward the front door.

“Take care of yourself, Leia.” He smiles at me before I see him out, and as I stand on the doorstep and wait until his car is out of sight, I finally feel my heart beating in my chest again.

Idon’t know why Garrett insists we attend church every Sunday, maybe he believes that if we do, God will forgive us for our sins. Maybe it’s his way of showing the townsfolk of Fork River that there’s some decency in us, but as I sit here today listening to the preacher do his sermon, and watch Caleb Mason’s hand rest on my woman’s leg, there's nothing holy about the thoughts that are in my head.

I grit my teeth and clench my fists, and it’s not until Savannah places her hand on my knee to still it that I realize my feet have been tapping against the floor.

Every now and then I catch Leia glance her eyes across at me, there's a fear inside them like she can sense that I’m at the end of my tether and could strike at any moment. For her sake, I have to make sure that doesn’t happen.

When the service is over, as always, we head on out to the church lawn where people flock around Mom and Maisie to make a fuss of the babies. Mom looks in her element as she sings Maisie’s praises and lets everyone know what a good job she’s doing. I light a smoke and watch from a distance how Leia and Caleb do their rounds among the townsfolk. They stop to talk to Dolores and her friend Pat, probably to comment on howfinethe weather is. Cole’s staying outta everyone’s way, he’s got himself propped up against the church wall and is keeping his eyes fixed firmly on the mayor. His eyes turning darker when the self-assured cunt, steps right in front of Garrett and has the nerve to smile.

“Good sermon today, don’t you think?” he asks, completely unaware that we know what he did to our little sister.

“Yeah, the pastor did good.” Garrett nods his head, and I can tell by the tensing of his jaw that he’s struggling to keep his cool.

“You must be very proud.” Walker looks at the babies who are in the stroller and when Garrett glances over to Cole and sees the malice on his face, he subtly shakes his head, reminding him that now ain’t the time. But it’s too late, Cole starts marching toward them with a clear intention and, luckily, I manage to swoop in and get in his way before it becomes obvious to everyone around us.

“Woah… back up,” I tell him under my breath, pressing my chest against his and trying to ease him back. Cole is breathing through his nostrils like a bull and the anger coming off him is so fierce I can feel the heat of it through his clothes.

“Cool it, Cole, we don’t need this, not here,” I remind him, starting to wonder how long I can hold him back.

“Ineed it,” he tells me, with a look in his eyes that confirms he’s lost all rationality.

“Hey, could you give me a ride home?” Savannah appears from out of nowhere. Like a fuckin’ angel. And any suspicions I had on the way my brother feels about her are confirmed when the bright smile on her face instantly makes him simmer. He closes his eyes and takes a breath before turning around to face her, and when her hand slides into his and her fingers curl to grip him, he stares down at the connection like he’s terrified by it.

“Yeah, I can do that.” His voice comes out gravelly, and he seems a little bewildered as he lets her lead him over toward his truck. The wink Savannah gives me over her shoulder as she gets him further away assures me that the girl is way cleverer than I’ve given her credit for.

I head over to join Garrett once the mayor has moved on, but there's a new problem for me to face when I get there, and it comes in the form of the woman I’m in love with and her husband. Caleb wears a phony smile as Leia makes a fuss of the triplets. And I can see Garrett’s patience being tested when he makes small talk for the sake of anyone who’s watching. I stand beside my brother and stare at Caleb, hoping that he can sense what's coming to him.

“Hi, Wade.” Leia looks up at me, she can barely keep the seductive little smirk from her lips. The way her cheeks flush definitely gets the attention of Maisie, and I know I’ll be cross-examined when I get home for it, but I don’t care because it’s perfect, it’s pretty, and it’s all for me.

“Are they sleeping well at night?” Leia tries distracting herself by looking inside the stroller.

“Not bad actually, we’re finally finding our routine.” Maisie looks happy to be around her friend again. She gets a lot of time with Savannah, and she makes out she enjoys Mom’s company, but I can see Mom already becoming reliant on Maisie’s kindness. Leia is her best friend and it’s obvious how much they miss each other.

“Maybe you could come over to the ranch one day next week for lunch?” she suggests.

“I’d really like that.” Leia makes no commitment, just a nervous look toward Caleb that makes me want to beat the crap outta him.

“You know you’re always welcome, Leia, we all miss havin’ ya around.” Garrett smiles stiffly at Caleb, it’s been just over a week since he punched him in the face, and yet here they are on the church lawn playin’ nice for the sake of the townsfolks’ eyes.

“Why don’t you tell Maisie our good news, darling.” Caleb steers the conversation in a different direction, sliding his hand around Leia’s waist and tugging her closer. It makes her cheeks flush even redder, and a look of panic sets on her face.

“Caleb,” she whispers, shaking her head like she’s uncomfortable.

“Come on, Maisie is your best friend, isn’t she? Surely you want her to know that we’re having a baby?” The slimy fucker looks at me as soon as the words are out. He wants a reaction, and knowing that it’s all a lie helps me not to give him one.

“Wow!” Maisie looks as stunned as she is horrified. “Are you… um… happy?” Her shock makes it hard for her to hide how worried she is.