Page 32 of Breaking Limits

“What do you mean, risky?” He stares back at me as if I’m being pathetic.

“Miscarriages happen quite often in the first trimester, like you said it’s better to be safe than sorry, huh?” I get a little kick out of throwing his words back at him, and I leave him with that thought in mind and the positive pregnancy test on the table as I head up the stairs and get into bed.

It’s three in the morning when I wake up to use the bathroom. Caleb is snoring beside me, and after I’ve relieved myself I stand at our bedroom window and look out into the night. Tonight’s the first night in ages that Caleb made no attempt to have sex with me. Maybe Wade’s plan might work after all, but it still doesn’t give him long to figure a way out of this with the Organization.

The moon is full and shines brightly over the trees and when I catch a dark shadow in the tree line I wonder if it’s my mind playing tricks on me again.

“Leia?” Caleb stirs from behind me, “What are you doing?” I turn around and see that he’s watching me.

“Nothing, I was just looking at the moon, it’s pretty tonight.”

“Come back to bed,” he orders, and keeping my eyes on that dark shadow, I drag myself away from the window, carefully laying myself beside the monster in my bed. He wraps his arm around my middle and tugs me close to him.

“You need sleep,” he tells me, stroking his hand over my flat stomach and making me shudder.

* * *

Caleb leaves the house early again when he gets a call from his dad to say one of the horses is lame. The sun’s barely risen and I wait to hear the sound of his car leaving before I get out of bed and quickly pull on some clothes.

Heading out the back door I march across the open field between the house and the woodland to see if I can find any evidence of him being there last night, and I find way more than that. I find Wade, on the ground, propped up against a tree with his hat pulled down over his eyes, and Hooter tied a few trees over. I try to creep up on him but create a rustle when I step on a branch and he immediately wakes up and reaches for his rifle.

“What ya gonna do, shoot me?” I laugh at him.

“I could very well have.” He places his hand on his chest and breathes a sigh of relief. “I thought you were a damn bear. What the hell are you doing sneaking around this time in the mornin’?” He strokes his hand over his face.

“How aboutyoutell me why you're sleeping out here?” I cross my arms over my chest as he stands up and fixes his hat straight on his head. His jeans and shirt have bloodstains on them, and his knuckles are split open like he’s been fighting again.

“I’ve been keepin’ an eye on ya.” He shrugs as if he’s embarrassed by the confession.

“How long for?” I stare back at him in complete shock.

“Since I’ve been back. I told ya I can’t stand it. If he hurts you again—”

“He won’t,” I cut him off, rushing toward him and wrapping my arms around his neck. “The plan worked, he bought it. Last night he didn’t even try to… well, ya know.” I drop my head when I realize I’ve fucked up. Neither of us needs a reminder that that happens.

“Hey,” Wade uses the crook of his finger to lift my chin.

“That’s real good, Leia.” He grins back at me before he kisses my lips.

“What happened to you?” I pull back when I remember that there’s blood all over his clothes.

“Just cowboy shit, nothin’ for ya to worry about,” he assures me.

“For a second I was thinking that family dinner you were having went south.” I smirk back at him.

“Nah, actually it went well, awkward at first but we had somethin’ to break the ice. Only thing bad about it was the fact you were missin’.” He presses his forehead into mine as his hand travels under my T-shirt and strokes my back.

“Not for long though, right?” I smile at him hopefully.

“No, darlin’, not for long,” he promises, and when he slides his nose up my neck and it tickles, a thought comes to my mind.

“You ever fucked a girl in the woods, Wade Carson?” I raise my eyebrows suggestively.

“You want the real answer to that question?” When he screws up his nose I shove him hard in the chest.

“That hurt.” He rubs himself and laughs at the same time.

“Okay, I’ll rephrase the question. You ever had your dick ridden in the woods by a married woman wearing a Stetson?”