Page 31 of Breaking Limits

“And we’re just gonna let ‘em move on?” I check.

“What do you think, Wade?” Garrett turns his head to look at me before whistling out to Finn who's now on the other side of the yard.

“What up, boss?” He heads back toward us.

“You, Mitch, and Tate follow that truck, I want those bastards waiting for us at the line camp by midnight.”

“Leave it with us.” Finn winks before turning around and rushing toward the bunkhouse.

“C’mon, let’s eat.” Garrett heads back toward the door, tapping Dalton on his shoulder as he leads us in.

* * *

Mitch and Tate are waiting by the fire when we arrive a few hours later at the line camp and when I see the four men, who are tied up in a line in front of the porch, I smile to myself. This is exactly what I need right now, to create some good old-fashioned pain.

All the men are gagged and when me, Cole, Garrett, and Dalton all get out of the truck and head on over, they don’t look anything as confident as they did back at the ranch.

“Fancy seein’ you here.” I punch the closest one to me in the jaw as I pass him and stand beside the others, and when another truck pulls up behind ours, Finn jumps out and reaches over the tailgate to pull off a plastic tub before struggling his way over with it.

“What the fuck’s in that?” Dalton asks.

“What Garrett asked me to get.” He dumps the tub at Dalton’s feet. “Cattle shit.”

I see the way Dalton’s eyes flick between the shit and Garrett in confusion.

“That’s right, but not just any cattle shit. That, right there, is bull shit.” Garrett pulls on a pair of his heavy gloves from his back pocket before he bends down and takes a huge scoop in his hand.

“See, I figured since you came tomydoorstep and fedmebull shit, that it was only right I do the same to you.” He looks down at one of the men who is tied up on the floor and pulls the gag outta his mouth with his other hand.

“No, no, don’t do that!” he begs as Garrett grabs his head and tips it back, shoving the shit into his mouth and twisting his hand all over his face before he lifts the gag back into place.

“I’ll bet those are exactly the kinda words those poor girls, back in Rushville, were sayin’ to ya when you forced yourself on to them,” he crouches down and tells him, getting a sick little kick out of the way the guy gags and chokes around the shit.

“You guys didn’t come to our town to find good and honest work. You came here to find your next victim, and you made a real bad choice.” He grabs another scoop of shit before he moves down the line and onto the next guy, doing the same thing and stuffing his mouth full of shit.

Each man becomes more fearful than the last as they watch the others suffer, and when he gets to the last guy, he’s already crying like a little bitch.

“You wanna eat shit too?” Garrett asks him, and his head shakes frantically as Garrett takes a huge handful of shit and smothers it all over his face.

“Now, we ain't got the time nor the energy to be diggin’ four graves, so let me tell ya how this is gonna go instead. Me and my brothers here are gonna beat the crap outta you.” He looks over his shoulder and smirks at us when he gets the irony of what he just said. “You will take it and you will remember it every time you see a female and think it’s okay to take what she ain’t willin’ to give, is that clear?” All four of them nod their heads, and when Garrett gives me and my brothers the nod we set to work, making sure they don’t forget the lesson they’re here to learn.

“How was your day?” I ask Caleb when he steps into the kitchen and places his medical bag on the counter.

“Busy as hell.” He takes a seat at the kitchen table that Wade fucked me on earlier and waits for me to place his food in front of him. It’s past ten and I’ve already eaten, so I finish heating up his plate before landing it on his table mat and sitting opposite him.

“Is there something wrong?” He studies me curiously.

“No, actually I have some good news.” I swallow my nerve as I take the white stick Wade gave me this morning and lay it on the table for Caleb to see.

“When did you do that?” he asks, picking it up and looking at the two pink lines that are prominent in the results window.

“This morning, I woke up feeling sick so I drove into town and picked one up from the pharmacy.” The tracker he has on my car will confirm it, so will the pharmacist if he goes as far as to check.

“We’re pregnant.” I fake him a smile.

“That’s great news. Really great news.” Caleb nods his approval and smiles at me, taking my hand and squeezing it before getting stuck into the food on his plate.

“I figured we should keep it between ourselves for a while. The first few months can be risky.” I try to keep eye contact with him, I don't want him to have a shred of doubt about this.