Page 13 of Breaking Limits

“Shit.” Cole slides his hand over his face while he thinks.

“Go back to the house,” he orders me. “Anddon’ttell Maisie.” He starts marching toward his truck and throws open the door.

“Where are you going?” I rush after him, scared of what he might be capable of.

“I’m gonna go get my pig-headed, little brother and drag him back to sort his shit out,” he tells me.

“Wait, isn’t he in Dallas?” That’s hours away. Can’t you just call? Or at least catch a plane?”

“I don’t do planes,” he points out blankly. “And Wade ain’t in Dallas no more, he’s in Wyoming.”

“But… He called to check in, he said—”

“He’s lying, he doesn’t want anyone knowin’ he’s that close.”

“Then how do you know he’s there?” I ask.

“Because he’s my little brother, and I make it my business to fuckin’ know.” He gets into the driver’s seat and just as he’s about to slam the door on himself, I place my hand over his and stop him, the same way he did to me earlier. I don’t know why I did it, and now I feel kind of stupid, especially when his wild eyes drop to my hand before looking back up into mine.

“Ya did good tellin’ me.” He nods his approval, and when I figure that’s what I needed to hear, I retract my hand like a good, little puppy. “Now, get back in the house and say nothin’.” He slams the door and starts the engine, taking off with a skid and heading out the gates.

Igot a lotta of guilt in picturing Leia’s face as another woman rests between my thighs about to take my cock in her mouth. It feels all kindsa wrong, it feels fuckin’ dirty, but I have to try anything I can to make myself stop hurting. Leia is never off my mind and as I grip the hair of the girl whose name I don’t know, and hold her back from what she’s about to do, I wonder what the girl I’m in love with is doing back home.

Has she found a way to enjoy sex with him? I don’t know which is the lesser of two evils. I would never want her to suffer, but at the same time, the thought of her finding pleasure in anyone else but me makes me wanna throw shit around. There ain’t no right in this wrong, and there ain’t no pleasure in being numb while you get your dick sucked. My trailer door smashes open, and I stare in shock and confusion when I see my brother standing in its frame.

“Get.” He trudges forward, picking up the girl’s jacket and purse from the kitchen counter before he wraps his hand around the back of her neck, dragging her onto her feet. He shows her out the door without the offer of an explanation, or even an acknowledgement.

“What thefuck, bro?” I shake my head at him as I tuck my dick back in my jeans and buckle up my belt.

“Don’t give me that, Wade. Pack up your shit, you’re comin’ home.” Cole has that look on his face, the one that tells me not to argue, and after a quick glance around my trailer, he locates the holdall I keep above one of the built-in cupboards and drags it down.

“I ain’t goin’ nowhere. You don’t get to just storm in here. How did ya even know where to find—”

“He hit her, Wade.” The words he interrupts me with stun me into silence and make my entire body fill with an adrenaline-fueled rage.

“No.” I refuse to believe him, a few weeks ago we had Caleb Mason’s life in our hands. He knows what we’re capable of and I fuckin’ warned him what would happen if he was anythin’ other than nice to her.

“Caleb fuckin’ hit her! And there are plenty of things I can understand ya runnin’ away from. Hell, I’ve even run away from a few things myself over the years, but I sure as shit ain’t gonna let you run away from this. Your girl needs savin’, Wade, and I ain’t leavin’ here without ya.”

“Damn fuckin’ straight.” I stand up and rip the empty holdall outta his hands, doing everything I can to tamp down my rage as I start to fill it. I warned Caleb what would happen if he didn’t take care of her, and now that fucker is about to be served the fuckin’ consequences.

* * *

Cole follows my truck with his all the way back to Fork River. It’s light when we get to the crossroads that lead either toward Copper Ridge or in the direction of Leia’s new home, Cole pulls up beside me.

“I take it you're hangin’ a right, ya want me to come with?” he checks.

“Nah, I’m doin’ this alone.” I shake my head, and the nod he gives me back confirms he understands.

I take that right turn, heading straight for Caleb Mason’s house and gripping my wheel. We’ve driven all night, but I ain’t feelin’ tired. I got nothin’ but energy, an energy that I’ll use to beat the fuckin’ crap outta that bastard. When I pull up outside their perfect fuckin’ house, I slam my truck door shut and head for the entrance, pounding it hard enough to wake the fuckin’ dead. When that son of a bitch answers, I ain’t gonna give him no time to talk. I’m gonna kick his fuckin’ ass and then take my girl. I don’t care about rules anymore. Fuck Harvey Marston and his fucking Organization.

I thud my fists against the wood some more but no one answers, and when it eventually starts to open it, I swing back my arm ready to throw my first punch at the man who’s on the other side of it.

“Wade!” Leia stares at me like a deer in the headlights, her skin paler than I remember, and the huge bruise I see swollen around her eye makes my stomach churn. I immediately drop my arm, trying to draw a fuckin’ breath as I step toward her.

“What the hell happened?”

She shocks me when she moves back a pace. And having her so close but not being able to touch her makes all the rage inside me multiply.