That pulls me out of my selfish trance. I didn’t hear her come home. In fact, I assumed she was in her room when I got home since her bedroom door was closed.
I turn to glance at her face. “You went out for a drink with people?”
She tilts her chin. “You say it like you can’t believe it.”
Still gripping tightly to my tote, I manage a smile. “I believe it. What did you order?”
“Champagne, of course.”
My smile widens with the knowledge that after spending the weekend at the Bishop Hotel, my sister has acquired a taste for the finer things in life. “You can’t go wrong with champagne.”
“I agree.” Her gaze drops to the phone in her hand. “It’s getting kind of late, Abs. You had dinner, didn’t you?”
Lie number three pops out of me with ease. “I did.”
I haven’t been able to stomach the thought of food since I left Kalina’s apartment hours ago.
“Good.” Carrie leans over to kiss my cheek. “I’m going to take a bath and then tuck myself in. Unless you need to talk about something or maybe someone who wears big shoes.”
I glance at the floor as an escape. I can’t make eye contact with Carrie now. She’ll see everything I don’t want her to. My sister is an expert at reading my emotions just from looking at my face. “I’m tired. I’ll hit the hay too.”
“We’ll meet in the kitchen at eight a.m. for coffee, okay?”
I round out the lies by letting another slip out. “I have to be at the office extra early tomorrow, so I can’t.”
Her hand taps my shoulder. “Are you sure everything is all right?”
I finally meet her gaze with mine again and nod softly.
She tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “You work too hard. You know that, right?”
“Says the chemist who is always in her lab.”
That makes her smile from ear to ear. “Touché. I do love my lab, though.”
“I love you,” I whisper. “I’m so glad your mom gave my dad a chance.”
“Me too.” Her eyes close briefly. “I think that one glass of champagne is finally hitting me. I may need to skip the bath and head straight to bed.”
“You should,” I encourage her because I need more time alone. “I’ll text you in the morning, Carrie.”
“Good.” She glances at my tote again. “Promise me you’re not going to spend all night focused on what’s in that bag, Abby. Whatever is in there can wait until tomorrow. Your work day is officially over.”
I ignore everything but her last sentence. “You’re right. Work is done for the day.”
That satisfies her enough that she gestures to the hallway. “I’m off to dreamland. Hopefully, that involves some hot guy with good hair.”
As soon as she exits my bedroom, I’m there to shut the door. I turn the lock for good measure before heading straight for my bed.
With shaking hands, I dump the contents of my tote bag on the duvet cover.
My phone spills out, along with keys, my wallet, and a few necessities, including an uneaten candy bar and a vial of perfume Carrie developed months ago.
It won’t hit store shelves until sometime next year.
Those things get a glance from me before I settle my gaze on two rectangular boxes I picked up at a drugstore less than a block from Kalina’s apartment.
I stare at the boxes as a single tear forms in my right eye.