Abby: That’s great news for your family. I’m buried in work, so it’s a pass on the drink.
“Thanks a hell of a lot, Rook,” I mumble.
Abby is the only person I want to celebrate with, but I can’t blame her for not skipping out on work to meet up with me. Her career tops her priority list, and I know from my limited experience interning alongside Rook years ago that he expects everyone around him to put in the same effort he does.
I reply, making sure that she knows the invitation stands.
Declan: If you change your mind, I’ll be at Tin Anchor after 8.
Her response is instant and to the point.
Abby: I’ll see what I can do, but no promises. Congratulations again!
I read the message twice before I slide my phone into my pocket and set off across the street. The bar can wait. I have a stop to make before I head there.
* * *
“I admitI’m glad you dragged me out of the office,” Holden confesses as he holds a shot glass in the air as if he’s going to toast again. “What better reason to celebrate than a brand new baby?”
I clink my glass to his and down my shot before the rim of his glass hits his lips. “I won.”
We’re on our sixth or maybe tenth round of shots. So far, Holden has been the one in charge of ordering. I have no fucking idea what is in most of these shots, but I’m not complaining. I’m in celebration mode and since Rook told Holden and me he was too busy to join us for dinner, we decided to skip the steak and garlic mashed potatoes part of this party and instead headed straight to Tin Anchor.
That was my idea since I’m still hoping Abigail will show up at some point.
Holden holds a palm to his forehead. “I think I’m reaching my limit, Wells. I haven’t eaten anything since we met up for breakfast this morning. We should have gone to Nova. You know Tyler makes the best steak in town.”
“We’ll do it tomorrow night,” I promise, knowing full well that I’ll break that promise if Abby is free.
“You’ll ditch me for your girlfriend.” Holden tries to frown, but a grin seeps through. “Future wife, I mean.”
I tilt my head. “What can I say, Holden? I do prefer her company over yours.”
His right hand darts to the middle of his chest. “Ouch, man. That’s brutal.”
I laugh that off and tap the top of the bar to get the attention of the guy behind it. Callie used to work here, and one of her brothers still does, but he’s not on duty tonight. He’s likely still at the hospital, fawning over our new niece.
Holden orders another round of shots from the bartender before he turns his attention to me. “Did seeing the new baby make you want one?”
“A baby?” I laugh. “Can you picture me with a baby?”
He leans back slightly to look me over. “Sure. Why not?”
I shake my head. “I’ll leave the parenting to Sean and Rook. I’m not even close to being ready for daddy duty. I’m happy being Uncle Decky for now.”
His gaze drifts over my shoulder. “Well, hello there. Have we met?”
I feel a light tap on my back. “No, but I know this guy.”
And I know that angelic voice, so I turn to glance at the woman behind me, knowing that my heart will start racing the second I see her face.
It does just that, and I can’t control the smile that glides over my lips. “Abigail. You came.”
She offers me a slight grin before her hand snakes past me toward Holden. “I’m Abby Duvall.”
Holden stands and gives her hand a soft shake. “Holden Sheppard. I’m an old friend of Declan’s.”
“I’m working with him temporarily,” she explains, and then stops.