Page 82 of Greed

“Good.” She pushes to stand. “How was your weekend, Abby? Please tell me you had enough fun for both of us because I was stuck here working on the Collymore deal.”

As tempted as I am to ask whether the firm is about to present a deal to Mrs. Collymore that is worth her while I don’t. Instead, I answer the question she asked after taking a deep breath. “I had a great weekend.”

“With a great guy?” she quizzes with a smile.

“Yes.” I keep my response simple, hoping she won’t dive deeper than that.

She rounds her desk. “Good. Promise me you’ll never give up that work and life balance. Once you do, it’s hard to get it back.”

“I won’t give it up,” I say, knowing I can’t promise that.

My career is important to me, but Declan is too, and I’ll do what I can to make it all work.

“You’ll let me know what Kalina says?” she asks.

“I will,” I assure her as she breezes past me on her way to her open office door.

“I’m heading to the break room for a cup of horrible coffee.” She laughs. “Do you want to join me?”

I wave a hand in the air. “I’m good. I bought a coffee on my way in this morning.”

“Smart girl.” She winks. “You’re a very smart girl.”



Holden scansthe interior of the diner I asked him to meet me at. “Where’s Rook?”

“Busy.” I motion toward one of the vacant chairs next to the table I snagged when I arrived.

Crispy Biscuit is a staple in Manhattan and a favorite of mine. I’ve spent hours here with family and friends, enjoying thestick-to-your-ribstype of food I can’t resist when the mood strikes.

That mood hit me when I got out of bed an hour ago. I was ravenous. Even though Abby and I indulged in a few good meals this weekend, I was craving one of Jo’s specials this morning. The owner of this diner knows how to cook eggs the way I like, and the bacon is always crisped to perfection.

I’ll put in a few extra hours at the gym this week to make up for this Monday morning treat.

“Lawyers,” Holden scoffs with a grin.

He unbuttons his jacket and takes a seat.

He’s dressed in a three-piece dark blue suit with a light blue tie. It’s similar to what I’m wearing, except I opted for a silver tie today.

“You and I have more in common than I realized,” Holden says as he scans the paper menu in front of him.

I take the opportunity to rib him yet again by running a hand through my hair. “Not a gray in sight.”

Despite trying to fight it, he smiles. “You’re a bastard. You know that, right?”

“I’m a bastard that you consider an old friend.”

“True,” he agrees. “I wasn’t talking about the hair, Declan. I’m going to be an uncle too.”

I stare at him. “No shit?”

“No shit.” He nods with a wide grin on his face. “Jameson and Sinclair told me this weekend. They invited me over for dinner yesterday and broke the news then.”

I pat his shoulder. “Congratulations!”