“Good.” I move to kiss her cheek. “I’m going to treat you to self-care weekends more often.”
“So you can get it on with the big shoe guy?”
I hold in a laugh. “Get it on? Really, Carrie?”
“Have sex, screw, or that other word? Is that better?” She blushes.
“That other word? You mean fuck?” I shake my head. “It’s okay to use four-letter words. You are an adult now.”
She sighs. “Let’s talk about your weekend. Was it everything you hoped it would be?”
I look into her eyes. “Better.”
“He was good to you?” she asks with a hint of concern in her voice. “I’m a little worried about you, Abs.”
“Worried? Why?”
“You told me on Friday that you’re falling in love with him,” she reminds me. “I thought about it, and I’m still so happy for you, but…”
“But what?” I question.
“But how does he feel about you?” Her tone softens. “I’m scared he’ll break your heart.”
“Declan wouldn’t do that,” I assure her. “I think he’s falling for me too, Carrie.”
“Declan?” Her gaze scans my face. “As in Declan Wells?”
Stunned that she knows who he is, I shrug my shoulders. “How do you know who he is?”
The sends her head back in laughter. “You’re aware that the man you love is besties with your boss, right? Mr. Thorsen has at least a dozen pictures of Declan on his socials.”
I tilt my head. “Maybe it’s time for me to pay more attention to what my boss is doing online.”
“I’ve got that covered.” She laughs. “I need to get to work. I’ll be staying late tonight, so let’s plan dinner together for a night this week, okay?”
“You bet.” I squeeze her hand. “I love you, sis.”
“Love you more,” she says. “For the record, I hope Declan Wells is your prince charming.”
I hope he is too. I hope that with my entire heart and soul.
* * *
I walkinto Helena’s office, hoping she’s about to toss the name of Kalina’s new lawyer at me. All she sends my way is a bright smile.
“Hey,” I greet her with a grin. “Rook said you wanted to see me.”
My boss approached me when I stepped off the elevator less than five minutes ago. There weren’t any questions about how my weekend was or even a good morning. He had one mission: to inform me to talk to Helena as soon as possible, so I dropped my purse and cup of coffee off in my office before I came straight here.
“Rook said that?” she questions with a tap of a fingernail against her chin. “We spoke briefly this morning about the Llura deal. I told him we’re waiting to hear from Kalina’s new counsel.”
I shrug both shoulders. “I haven’t heard anything yet.”
Her hand skims the front of the dark blue blazer she’s wearing. I opted for a red dress this morning. It may not be the most professional look, but I suspect my day will consist of doing research for some of the senior lawyers on staff. Mondays are notorious for that.
“You’ve met Kalina, right?” Helena asks. “How would you feel about reaching out to her today? It might be worth our while to go right to the source to see where she stands on the deal and whether she’s got another lawyer lined up.”
I nod. “I can do that.”