Her hand snakes to her cleft. “You want this more.”
She’s not wrong, but what I really want right now is what’s beating inside her chest. I want her heart. I want to own this woman’s heart because even though she’s blissfully unaware of it, she owns mine.
I move to stand. “I stuck a condom in the pocket of my jeans. I’ll grab it.”
“No need.” Her hand flies into the air. “You’ll find a brand new box of Llura condoms in my nightstand.”
I’m up and on my feet before she finishes the sentence. “It’s the box you mentioned to Kalina? The box you bought the other night?”
“Yes.” Her smile shines bright even in the dimly lit room. “I bought them for us, Declan. I did make a promise to you.”
She did, indeed. The promise she made to sleep with only me doesn’t feel like enough anymore. I want more, but I have no fucking idea if she wants more too.
I pull open the drawer and reach inside to grab the box of condoms. After ripping it open, I look toward her. “How would you feel about coming on my hand before my dick?”
“I’m an equal opportunity comer.” Her eyebrows dance. “Hands, dick, mouth. You name it. I’m ready for it.”
I drop the box on the nightstand and climb back onto the bed until I’m hovering above her. “What the fuck did I do right in this life to deserve you?”
With her gaze trailing over my face, she reaches up to cup my chin in her hand. “I could ask the same question.”
“We’re pretty damn lucky, aren’t we?”
“Yes, sir.” She bites her bottom lip to hold in a smile. “Now, what was that about your hand making me feel all kinds of good things?”
I press my lips to hers for a soft, lingering kiss before I pull back to stare into her eyes. “Let me see what I can do about that.”
“I already know what you can do about that,” she whispers. “No one makes me feel as good as you do, Declan.”
I kiss her again. “The night is just getting started. I plan on making you feel things you’ve never felt before.”
* * *
I woke before Abigail,so I did what any good attorney would do. I researched the subject of my desire. I didn’t rifle through anything; instead I wandered the apartment she shares with someone named Carrie.
I know that because I spotted a letter addressed to Carrie Gilbert on a small, round table near the apartment door. That table also contained a dish filled with small candies wrapped in red foil that I assume are supposed to taste like cinnamon, but don’t do the spice justice.
Before I spit the candy into the trashcan I found under the kitchen sink, I made a mental note to swing by Holden’s office this coming week to pick up some candy from him. He always has something new and innovative in terms of candies in his office since nothing hits the production line unless he gives final approval.
The next time I’m in this apartment, I’ll drop the candies in the dish for Abigail and her roommate.
I gaze at a duo of framed pictures that hang on the wall near the window. Both are of Abby and a dark-haired woman around her age. Their smiles are beaming. My gut tells me that the woman standing next to Abby in the photographs is Carrie, and they mean a hell of a lot to each other.
“You’re up early.”
The sweet and soft sound of her voice spins me around.
I’m greeted with a sight that leaves me breathless. I feel as though all the air has escaped my lungs as I stare at Abigail dressed in only a pair of pink panties and a matching tank top.
“Does the cat got your tongue?” She laughs through the question. “For the record, I don’t have a cat, although I’ve always wanted one.”
I add that desire to the ongoing list running in my mind. I want to give this woman everything she’s ever wished for.
“You’re staring at that picture of my sister and me.” She lowers her voice. “Carrie’s smile is beautiful, isn’t it?”
“You’re beautiful,” I whisper in a deep tone.
Her gaze drops to the tank top. “Are you talking to me or my tits? You can see the outline of the barbells, can’t you?”