Page 26 of Greed

“You returned my shoes along with this.” He opens his palm to reveal the crumpled sticky note. “Thanks for everything. Really, Abigail?”

“Well, yeah,” I try to say as casually as possible. “I had fun, and I did borrow your shoes, so thanks for everything seemed appropriate.”

He steps closer, crowding me, but I don’t budge. I can’t because it feels like there’s an invisible thread connecting my body to his.

“I’m sorry I took the shoes without your permission.” I smile. “I couldn’t get my feet back in those glass slippers.”

The corners of his lips curve up toward a grin but stop short. “You can make it up to me since it was a felony.”

I bark out a laugh. “A felony? You should never try and school a lawyer, Mr. Wells. Theft under a thousand dollars in New York State is a class A misdemeanor.”

His gaze sears into mine. “You have a lot to learn about me. Let’s start with how I graduated top of my class from Fordham Law. Top of my class in that I ranked above your boss, who happens to be one of my closest friends.”

I swallow hard becausewhat the fuck?

He’s a lawyer? He knows Rook?

“The shoes you left my apartment with are worth more than a thousand dollars.” He drops his gaze to the note in his hand. “You did return them, though, so I’ll take that into consideration.”

“Into consideration?” I repeat, still stuck back on his declaration that he’s a lawyer.

He rubs his chin. “Meet me for a drink tonight to discuss the terms of your punishment.”

I shouldn’t feel the rush of desire currently coursing through my body, but this man is overwhelming all of my senses in the best possible way.

“Okay,” I squeak out.

“There’s a bar I like called Tin Anchor, “ he explains. “Do you know it?”

I nod. “I go there sometimes with my sister.”

“I’ll meet you there at eight.” His gaze drops to my legs again before he focuses on something near the entrance to the building.

I glance in that direction to see Rygar with his hand in the air. I do the polite thing and wave back.

“I have a meeting.” Declan buttons his suit jacket. “I’ll see you tonight, Abigail.”

“Yes,” I answer quietly. “Tonight.”



I rushed outof the office at five minutes to eight.

I had plans to leave at six, head home for dinner with Carrie, and change clothes, but that never happened.

Instead, I was pulled into a meeting with Helena Gaffin. She’s one of the senior lawyers on staff and has taken it upon herself to guide me in very thoughtful ways.

Although I haven’t been assigned to work on any of her cases directly, she’ll often invite me to sit in on meetings so I can watch how she masterfully handles her clients.

Her late afternoon meeting was with the owner of a sock company. Recently, he’s faced some hardships and is interested in offering early retirement packages to a few people in management positions in his organization.

He discussed his plan with Helena until he was satisfied with the result.

At the end of the week, he’ll welcome her into his corporate office where she’ll present those packages to the chosen employees.

She’s persuasive enough that I have no doubt they’ll all accept the generous offer.