“Right. Mrs. Ruffat,” I say, pushing to my feet. “Does she have a granddaughter? Maybe she’d think you look distinguished too.”
“No granddaughter.” He turns to head out of my office. “I’m just like you, Declan. I’m not looking for anything from anyone at the moment.”
I follow on his heel as we exit into the corridor.
A day ago, I wasn’t looking for anything from anyone, but that changed last night. Tomorrow, I plan on paying Abigail Duvall a visit.
* * *
“Why in thehell did I ever ask you to be a part of this company?” Sean shoots me a look.
“Ask?” I huff out a laugh. “This is a fifty-fifty endeavor, brother. I sank the same amount of cash into this as you did.”
“Courtesy of Stetson.” Sean sighs as he mentions our late grandfather. “He would be damn proud that we used our inheritances to build a billion dollar business.”
“He’d wonder how the hell we raked in that amount of revenue from selling underwear.”
Sean shakes his head. “It’s called strong marketing and great abs.”
I cock a brow. “Your time as the model on the billboard in Times Square has passed, and for the record, your abs aren’t that great.”
He pats his stomach beneath the blue button-down shirt he’s wearing. “Jealous much, Decky?”
“Asshole much, Saint?”
The mention of his nickname results in an instant smile on his face. He takes a step back toward my office door. “To get back to the reason why I came in here, I…”
“Yeah.” I straighten the lapels of my jacket. “Let’s get to that. Why are you bothering me this early on a Monday?”
He glances at his watch. “It’s nearly ten.”
“Why are you here?” I stress each word. “I have work to do.”
“Start with firing everyone who works in inventory control.” He scrubs a hand over his dark beard. “They seriously cannot count worth shit.”
Since that entire department consists of a trio of friends I’ve had since middle school, I shake my head. Not one of those relationships rise to the level of my friendships with Holden and Rook, but I made a promise to those three guys to keep them gainfully employed, and I plan on honoring that.
“At least teach them to count.” Sean rolls his eyes. “Promise me you’ll give them a lesson in their one, two, threes.”
I can’t help but laugh. “Sure. Whatever.”
“Sure. Whatever.” His tone mocks mine. “You’re still feeling the sting of not taking the princess to bed the other night, aren’t you?”
I’ve never talked about intimacy with my brother, and I have no intention of starting now. “You can leave now.”
“In that case, you can fuck right off, Decky.”
I take the comment as it’s meant and laugh. “Meet me here for lunch at one.”
“Or else what?”
“Or else nothing.” I shrug. “If you want a free sandwich, get your ass in here at one o’clock.”
“Will do,” he says as he turns to leave. “The princess doesn’t know what she’s missing. I’m not talking about your bedroom skills because gross, but I mean you’re a decent guy. She could do worse.”
“Go to hell.” I point at my door. “Shut the door on your way out.”