Page 95 of Greed

That makes her laugh too. “No, but I’m glad to hear that. I was going to say that I’m sure that I want you to represent me going forward. I’m going to talk to Rook about it today.”

That brings me to my feet from the stool I’ve been sitting on. “What?”

“You understand me.” She smiles. “You’ve been honest with me about the last few offers, including the one you brought with you today. You want what’s best for me, and I need someone like that in my corner.”

“I know how much the business means to you,” I say. “I know you built it up from the one theater you bought decades ago.”

She nods softly. “After my uncle died and left me a bundle, I bought that movie theater because that man I loved used to take me to the movies every Saturday night.” Her eyes mist. “After he stopped coming around, I’d go alone.”

“I’m sorry,” I say, unsure if it’s appropriate or not.

She nods. “I thought he might come back one Saturday night, hoping I’d be there waiting for him, but he never did.”

Tears well in the corners of my eyes, but I’m at a loss for words, so I stay silent.

“Eventually, I met my late husband when he started showing up at one of the theaters. We fell in love, and the rest is history, as they say.”

It’s a happy ending to a story that could have had a much different ending.

“I had two loves in my life.” She glances at the gold band wrapped around her ring finger. “I was lucky. If you’ve found your one great love, don’t let him slip away.”

“I won’t,” I promise her and myself. “I won’t.”

* * *

I knockon the door to Rook’s office, dreading what’s waiting for me on the other side.

After I left Mrs. Collymore’s apartment, I stopped at home to drop off a potted peace lily she had gifted me, along with a paper bag filled with the leftovers from our lunch.

She told me to share it with my sister for dinner, so that’s exactly what I intend to do.

As I was leaving my apartment to head to the office, Rook called to tell me to track him down as soon as I got to work. I suspect he’s talked to Declan and knows that I didn’t fill our client in on the dead Llura deal.

If that’s the case, I might be looking for a new job by day’s end.

I have no reasonable excuse for not reaching out to Declan other than I’m avoiding him on a personal level.

None of that bodes well for my future at Thorsen & Associates.

“Come in,” Rook’s deep voice calls out. “Come in, Abby.”

I shouldn’t be surprised that he knows it’s me. There are cameras around every corner in this building.

I swing open the door to find my boss smelling what looks like a dying daisy.

“Good afternoon, sir,” I greet him.

“It’s Rook.” He flashes me a smile. “Close the door and take a seat.”

I do as I’m told and settle in one of the visitor chairs. I swear I get a whiff of Declan’s distinctive cologne, but I instantly wonder if my boss shares an affinity for the same brand.

Rook sets his ass down on the corner of his desk. His gaze travels over my black pants and blouse before it lands on my face. “How are you, Abby?”

“I’m fine,” I say truthfully because physically, I’m fine.

“We need to talk,” he states the obvious. “It’s important.”

Great, just great. I’m about to be handed unemployment papers because I didn’t have the courage to face my lover.