Page 85 of No Child of Mine

She took it. The wrapper crinkled, telling him she’d unwrapped it. “It blows my mind to think I have that kind of effect on you. How’d that happen?”

Sitting there in the semi-dark, Deborah close and warm, made it at little easier to talk. He didn’t have to look at those blue eyes that had seen too much to trust him. “I wish I knew,’ he said, allowing himself to enjoy for a second the weight of her body leaning against his. “It just happened. I used to see you places and I admit, at first I saw a beautiful woman. But then I started studying the person. Did you know you have an expressive face?”

Her body stiffened next to him. “Do not. I’m very good at the poker face thing.”

“You wish.”

She leaned back again, a little closer. “So what’d you see in my face?”

“You were looking for something and not finding it. You needed someone.”

“I think you were seeing your own needs.”

Not able to find a response adequate to the observation, Alex didn’t answer. They were quiet. The wind sounded as if it could tear the walls down around them. Alex tightened his arm around Deborah. She didn’t flinch, but she sighed, a deep, almost sad sound. “So did you think about what I said about being a Christian?” she asked.

Here we go.“I did. I actually had a conversation with Ray about it.”


“Ray thinks we’re perfect for each other.”

“What?” She laughed. He hadn’t heard her do that much. It was nice. “You’re making that up.”

“I’m serious. He says you’re like the woman at the well—”

“Who goes to tell the others about the living water.” She interrupted, her voice full of tears.

“What’s the matter?” He ducked closer to see her face. He’d made her cry. “He meant it in a good way.”

“Oh, no. It’s good. The idea that God would use me for something. Me. The drunk. The messed up, promiscuous drunk? Don’t you see?” She used the back of her wet sleeve to wipe her face. “Here, I was so sure He was angry with me because I—”

“Because you have feelings for Daniel.” The second the words were out, he wanted them back.

She shifted away from him. “That’s crazy. He’s married. What gave you that idea?”

The obvious. “For starters, you smashed an entire jar of mayo on the floor.”

She drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. “His wife saw me hugging him. I didn’t mean for it to happen. He was asleep, and I was trying to wake him up. He had a nightmare, and he thought it was her. He was hugging her, not me.”

Wrong place, wrong time. Alex had been there, done that. “And you’re afraid they won’t get back together because of you. Now who’s the one who lacks faith?”

She chuckled. “Touché.”

This wasn’t the wrong place, wrong time. He had to believe that. They had been thrown together alone in a falling down barn for a reason. He might never get another opportunity like this.God, help me.“You know what I think?”

“Somehow, I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

“Well, my theory is you focused on Daniel because he was safe. He’s married and in love with someone else. He’ll never be a threat to you. You’ll never have to put yourself out there for him. Now, somebody like me, I’m a huge threat. I’m right here, right now, and I’m interested. Very interested.”

Steady, ominous thunder filled the sudden silence, followed by a crack of lightening so close it lit up the room and Deborah’s face. It was full of uncertainty. She was thinking about it. That was a good start. Alex soldiered on. “There’s something else you should know.”

“You’re full of information.”

She tried to play it light, but Alex heard the emotion. “Yeah. I prayed.”

“You did?”

He couldn’t help but smile at the sound of hope in her voice. She cared. If not about him as a man, she cared about him as a person who she would like to see find Christ. That was an excellent beginning. “Yes.”