Page 64 of No Child of Mine

“Yeah, I can tell.”

“Deborah needs someone, but the man who takes her on will have to give her a lot of room and take things very slowly.”

Ray wasn’t giving him any information, but the advice was good. “Sounds like you’ve given this a lot of thought.”

Ray’s laugh was gruff this time, embarrassed. “People talked about us, but we were never more than partners. Susana is it for me.”

“You’re a lucky man.”

“I got a second chance. I’m thankful for that every minute of every day.”

Alex rose and turned to go, but Ray’s voice stopped him. “Deborah needs a man of God.”

“She told me.” Alex turned back to face his buddy. “I believe in God.”

“A lot of people who believe in God aren’t Christians.”

Maddy, Deborah, now Ray. Was it gang-up on Alex day? “Look, I went to church as a kid. I know all the stories. But that’s all they are to me—stories.”

He stopped, realized his hands were clenched in fists, and tried to release them. He hadn’t wanted to stir all this stuff up. He’d avoided it for years. Here it was slapping him in the face again. Because of a difficult woman. Now Ray would give him the big speech, and he’d have to stand here and listen.

The silence stretched, cicadas harmonized with bullfrogs in the distance. When Ray finally spoke, he sounded surprised and delighted. And totally nuts. “You and Deborah are perfect for each other.”


“Yeah. She’s like the woman at the well. Jesus spoke to her and she said she would go tell the others. She’s gonna tell you, bro. God’s using her. Wow. I never cease to be impressed with how big his plan is.”

“His plan?”

“Yeah. A recovering alcoholic will bring one of God’s lost sheep home, buddy. Tag, you’re it.”

“I have to go back to work.”

“Alex, one other thing.” Ray rose and stretched to his full six-foot-four-inch height. “Hurt her, and you’ll answer to me.”

“I had that part figured out.” Alex headed to the door.

Susana opened it before he could. Instead of sodas, she had a cell phone in her hand. “It’s Samuel. They’ve got a lead on Jorge Morin. He wants you and Alex in on it.”

Ray grabbed the phone and started talking.

“When you’re done, don’t hang up. Let me ask him something,” Alex said, waving his hand to get Ray’s attention, the words out before he could think about it. Samuel was the boss, but he was fair. He’d listen. After a minute, Ray handed the phone over, his eyebrows raised .

“What?” Samuel sounded tense, distracted, and about as friendly as a feral hog.

“Sarge, we need every hand on deck for this, so I was thinking. Maybe you could let Detective Smith back on. She’s doing AA twice a day and seeing her therapist. Working would make her feel useful. And we could use her. We have two related cases going, we need all hands on deck.” Alex talked fast, hoping he wasn’t so far out on a limb, he broke it with his weight. “She’s going crazy, sitting around doing nothing. Working would be good for her.”

Silence greeted the suggestion. The seconds ticked by. Alex debated expanding on his plea. He decided against it. With Samuel, fewer words were best.

“Put Ray back on the phone.”

Was that a yes or a no? “Yes, sir.”

Alex watched as Ray walked around the backyard, making a circle as he passed trees and bushes, talking rapidly, his words dissipating in the distance.

When he disconnected, he turned and smiled. “Let’s go.”

“What’d he say?”