Page 55 of No Child of Mine

He threw a hand over his mouth, obviously trying to hold back the guffaws.

“What is so funny? This was your idea. If you don’t want to eat with me, fine. Leave.”

“No, no. I’m sorry, Deborah. I’m not laughing at you. I’m just tired.”

“Sure you are. So where are they on finding Benny? And have they IDed the remains?” She eased past him and inched her way to the other side of the counter. Alex’s gaze took in her gym shorts and tank top, then glanced away. “What are you looking at? It was hot in here with the oven on.”

“I’m not—nothing, I’m not looking at anything.” His high energy of the previous moment seemed to have dissipated. “Feed me and then you can pump me for information.”

“There’s ham and turkey. I’ll be right back.” She started toward the bedroom. “Start the sandwiches. I want to know everything.”

“I think I better have turkey. It would be appropriate.” His response wafted after her.

Deborah contemplated his presence as she changed into jeans and an oversized T-shirt. No way he’d shown up at her door for a sandwich. Something was up. Was Benny dead and he hadn’t found a way to tell her yet? He better not be holding out on her.

If something had happened to Benny, Daniel would be devastated. She would go after anyone who hurt him. Her chest tightened at the thought. Only she couldn’t, because she’d messed up and gotten tossed from the case.

She’d let her friends down. Again.

Trying to shake the thought, she hurried back to the kitchen. Alex was rummaging through the cabinets. “Where’s the—”

“No, not that one!”

It was too late.

His hand froze on the door handle. The other hand came up and grasped the bottle of whiskey and pulled it from the top shelf. He turned slowly, his gaze hard. “So, what’s this doing here?”

“You don’t understand—”

“You don’t get it, do you?”

He pushed past her, taking the bottle with him.

“Wait. Alex, please, wait.” She put her hand out to stop him, but even in that desperate moment, she couldn’t bring herself to touch him. “I didn’t open it.”

“So why’d you buy it?” He whirled and slammed the palm of his hand against her door. There was more than anger in his face. She couldn’t define it. Pity? Fear? Why did he care so much? “Why have it in the apartment?”

“It’s . . . . it’s like a security blanket.” The words tumbled out in a rush. “Didn’t you do that when you quit smoking . . . keep two or three cigarettes in a drawer just so you knew they were there and you didn’t feel so panicked. Like you didn’t have to run out and buy some when you couldn’t stand it anymore. They’d be there, if you needed them. Just knowing that, kept you from doing it, right? It’s like . . . a diabetic and a candy bar. He knows it could kill him, but he keeps it around, just to smell it once in a while.”

Alex had one foot out the door. His fingers gripped the knob. “It sounds dangerous to me.”

“It is.”

The silence stretched for several long seconds. If he left, they were done as friends—or anything else. Still, she refused to beg.

He stepped back into the room. “It’s going with me when I leave.”

She tried for a smirk. “No biggie. It’s all yours. Share it with your buddies . . . or your girlfriend, whatever.”

“I told you. I don’t drink. And I’m between girlfriends at the moment.” The sudden lightness of his tone belied the bleak look on his face. He set the bottle on the end table next to the couch. She allowed herself one longing glance at it. Maybe he’d forget to take it with him.

The set of his jaw told her it was unlikely. Another trip to the liquor store loomed in her future.

* * *

“I’d like mayo and mustard on the sandwich.” Alex waited until Deborah turned to pull something from the refrigerator to wipe the sweat from his forehead on his sleeve. He struggled to get his bearings. Her tiny apartment didn’t give a person much room to navigate.

“So tell me, what’s the news on both cases.” Deborah pushed her long, blonde hair back behind her ear with one hand. She had thin, tapered fingers that ended in nails painted a pale pink. No rings. Beautiful hands. They were shaking.