Page 13 of No Child of Mine

“Why didn’t you give me the divorce when I asked for it?” The trembling in her voice deepened. “I don’t enjoy hurting you like this.”

“I can’t divorce you because I love you.”

“Or is it because you don’t believe in divorce. You’re staying in this marriage to make God happy, even if we’re both miserable.”

“I thought we both believed our vows were a covenant.”

“And I hated living the way we were living enough to ask God to forgive me and let me go.”

Daniel had to ask the question. “So you don’t love me anymore?”

Tears ran down her cheeks. “Yes, I love you. I just can’t be married to you.”

The faint sounds ofTejanomusic wafted on the humid air, reminding Daniel of the reception. It had begun as a celebration of a new beginning. The space between Nicole and him measured no more than ten inches.I love you, too.He took a deliberate step forward, bent his head, ignoring her startled expression, and kissed her.

Her hands came up and touched his face. She kissed him back, even as small, wet sobs escaped. He let his hands caress her hair for a second. He forced himself to back away from her. If he didn’t stop now, he wouldn’t be able to. He didn’t want her to regret this kiss.Please God, don’t let her regret it.

The same physical bond that had held them together for sixteen years remained as strong as ever. He could feel it, and he knew she could, too.

She jerked away. “I’m seeing someone else.”

“What?” All the emotion of the previous seconds collapsed under the weight of the sucker punch. He tried to grasp her meaning. She couldn’t be saying this. It wasn’t possible. “What are you trying to tell me?”

“I’ve met someone else. I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you.”

“Before . . . when we—”

“No. No!” She ran the words together in her haste to explain. “It happened after you moved out. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t figure out how. He’s a good man. A Christian.”

“Then he knows you’ll always be married to me.”

“Joshua understands vows, but he’s been through a divorce, so he also understands how marriages can come apart at the seams.” Her chin lifted, and her voice got stronger. “He urged me to keep going to the counseling sessions with Pastor Wilson. He’s been waiting to see how they went. Yesterday I told him I didn’t think he needed to wait anymore.”

“You’re going to marriage counseling because your boyfriend said you should?” Daniel’s hands balled in fists. How could he have been so stupid? “I have to find Benny.”

He started walking away.


He heard her stumble, but he didn’t look back. He didn’t have time to look back anymore—Benny needed him. His wife obviously didn’t.

Chapter Six

Nausea gyrating in the pit of his stomach, Daniel strode toward the group of officers clustered in the gathering dusk near Ray’s front porch. Samuel glanced up at him. His brother’s gaze probed. His frown deepened. “Everything all right?”

“Everything’s fine. What do you have?” Daniel squeezed between Ray and Joaquin, ignoring the staccato of Nicole’s high heels on the front steps.

“Are you sure?” The screen door slammed. Samuel’s gaze flickered from Daniel to the porch. “I don’t want anything else spoiling Susana’s wedding day—or upsettingMama.”

Daniel turned toward Cooper, giving his brother his back. Samuel always wanted to control everything—and this wasn’t something he could fix. The band started on a Toby Keith tune with lots of steel guitar and drums They’d taken Samuel’s instructions to entertain the guests seriously. Even though the guests were hardly in the mood to celebrate now. Most of them were sitting in lawn chairs in Ray’s front yard, their faces long. It couldn’t be helped. “What’s going on?”

“One of my guys found a couple of fresh cigarette butts on the ground about ten yards from the Cherokee.” Cooper wiped his wrinkled cheeks with his handkerchief. All his years showed on his face at the moment. “Looks like the kidnapper waited out there in those trees and watched for his opportunity.”

“Pretty gutsy to make a move with so many people around.” Samuel smoothed his moustache. “Broad daylight and no way to know if Benny would come out that way.”

“Desperation?” Alex speculated. “Benny lives with a law enforcement officer. Snatching a kid out of his living room would be tough.”

“He had to have been watching us, waiting to make his move. Somehow he knew we’d be here today.” Fury revved up Daniel’s pulse. “He’s been stalking us.”