“Yes, I am.” Joshua’s eyebrows tented. He cocked his head to one side. “But I don’t claim to be perfect. Surely you don’t either.”
“So you’re familiar with the Bible’s teachings on divorce?”
“I am.” His gaze met Daniel’s squarely. “I am very aware of what it says. I’m divorced myself. I know what you’re going through. Both of you.”
“Yet, you chose to make it harder. By getting involved with my wife.”
“I’m not—I didn’t intend to make it harder.” Joshua stuck his hands back in his pockets, his shoulders bowed in dejection. “Look, Daniel, you of all people should understand where I’m coming from. Nicole is an intelligent, beautiful woman. And she’s unhappy in her marriage. I could make her happy. Because I care about her. Like you do.”
He stopped, looking as if he expected blows to rain down on him.
“No, not like I do.” All the anger drained away. Daniel saw in Joshua’s face the powerful emotion that buffeted him day after day. He did understand. The difference was that he was Nicole’s husband. Still. “Sorry, bud, I’ve got sixteen years on you. You’re too late.”
“I believe that’s up to the lady.” Joshua did an about-face and disappeared through the doorway.
Nicole brushed past Daniel and ran to the door. “Josh, I’m sorry . . . I’m sorry!”
Daniel tugged her back. “Make no mistake, Nikki, you are still my wife. Until the ink is dry on the divorce decree, you’re still my wife. Don’t disrespect me by bringing this man around me. Do you understand?”
Tears stained her face and her lips quivered, but her chin came up. “I didn’t invite him here. He came on his own. Because he cares. He’s a caring person.”
Daniel let his hands drop. She didn’t move away. They were so close he could have kissed her by leaning forward ever so slightly. He was furious with her, yet all he could think about was kissing her.
“Will Benny recover?” She eased away from him a half step, her gaze locked in his.
“They had to put stitches in his lip and his head. He got so frantic they sedated him. I wanted to get a cup of hot chocolate for him when he wakes up. He’s got cracked ribs, bruised kidneys, a broken finger and dozens of contusions and abrasions. He couldn’t stop shivering. I don’t know if he’s cold or still scared or in pain.”
“I’m so thankful you got him back alive.”
He grabbed her hand and hung on to it for a minute as the anger-fueled adrenaline drained away. “Thank you. The doctor was talking about keeping him for a day or so, but I convinced them to let me take him home. He needs to be someplace where he feels safe.”
“Is he talking about it?”
“No. He’s too traumatized. He thinks the guy was his dad.”
“Was he?”
“I’ve asked for DNA testing. For Benny’s sake, I hope the answer is no.”
“In the long run, it won’t matter.”
Her voice was curiously soft. He raised his gaze from the floor. “What do you mean? If he’s—”
“It won’t matter, because Benny has you, the best real dad he could ever have.”
Daniel swallowed hard. He was too tired to keep the emotion from his voice. It came out in a hoarse whisper. “Nikki, there’s nothing you can do here. Go home. Be with the kids. Tell them I miss them.”
“Are you sure?”
No, but what else could he say. “Yes.”
“Fine.” She ducked her head for a second. “If you . . . need . . . if Benny needs anything . . . . if you need any help with him . . . let me know.”
She was already gone.
Chapter Thirty-nine