Page 91 of No Child of Mine

Especially if that someone else was one of Chavez’s children.

Chapter Thirty-eight

Alex found Deborah banging on a vending machine outside the hospital’s closed cafeteria. “It took my money and didn’t give me the sandwich.” She said it like two dollars in quarters had been the last of her earthly treasures.

“You poor thing.” He tugged a handful of change from his pocket and began depositing the coins in the slot. A few seconds later he handed her a packaged roast beef sandwich.

She sniffed and took it. “Show-off.”

After selecting a ham sandwich for himself, Alex filled her in on the events at Chavez’s trailer and Phillips’ office. Everything except the part about going to Kansas. He wanted to ask her, but maybe eating first would be best. He sat down on the closest bench and motioned for her to join him. “Do you think this qualifies as a date? I’m buying you dinner after all.”

Her hair was wet and plastered to her head, makeup long gone from her face. Her clothes were muddy and wrinkled. She looked beautiful to him—and confused by the question. “Why?”

“People sometimes kiss on a first date.” Lame. The words sounded really lame said aloud like that. “Or hug.”

She stared at him, the look on her face a mixture of consternation, fear, and pleasure. He was sure there was a little pleasure in there. Embarrassment tinged her brittle laugh. “I don’t kiss on first dates. Not anymore, anyway.”

“Well, we ate those sandwiches in the car, and then we walked in the woods and survived the storm and the stop in that barn, I think we’re up to maybe even a third date.” He unwrapped his sandwich, glancing sideways at her as he did. Their gazes intertwined. He went back to his sandwich. Ham on a soggy bun.

“Then you have a very weird idea of what a date is.” She took a bite and chewed slowly. “This bread is really gross.”

“What would happen if I kissed you right now?” The question came out of its own accord. Happy endings for Benny and Daniel. Alex wanted happy endings, too. He wanted to make a commitment. The C word didn’t scare him anymore. He laid the sandwich on the bench and swiveled so he faced her.

She turned and faced him, her face full of trepidation. “I don’t know.”

“Would you run from me? Or shoot me?”

Her gaze was glued to the sandwich in her hands. She plucked the lettuce from it and dropped it in the plastic wrap. “I wouldn’t shoot you. People go to jail for that. I wouldn’t run. I’m not a coward. But I might slug you right in the nose.”

“Fair enough.” He touched her chin, making her look up. “Are you afraid to find out?”

“Now?” Her cheeks turned a rosy color that made her even prettier. “Here?”

“A little kiss. I promise not to scare you.” She could never know that he was just as scared as she was. “We’ll see if we can trust each other that far.”

He took her sandwich and laid it next to his. His hands were shaking, but it was okay. So were hers. He leaned forward, stifling the urge to touch the soft skin of her long neck and then wrap his arms around her in a tight hug. As his face inched toward hers, he looked into those blue eyes. He closed his eyes and let his lips touch hers. They were soft against his. She didn’t pull away. Neither did he. It was the sweetest kiss he’d ever experienced.

When he opened his eyes, two tears trickled down her cheeks. He brushed them away with his finger tips. She sighed, but didn’t flinch. “All right?”

She ducked her head and picked up her sandwich. “All right.”

“Then it’s a start.”

The shrill ring of Alex’s cell phone made them both jump.

“What?” He held the phone to his ear but he couldn’t take his gaze from her bent head.

“You ready?” Cooper’s gravelly voice boomed over the line. “I’m headed to the airport. You’ve got about two hours to make it through security.”

Alex stood. Deborah looked up at him. He winked. “Almost ready.”

“I called my guy in Abilene. He checked out Clarisse and Ezra Dodge’s place yesterday. Used the excuse that some people had called about possible animal abuse out there. He said the guy’s a real piece of work.”

Alex dropped his sandwich in the trashcan. “What time is the flight?”

“In three hours. You need to get your stuff and get moving.”

“What about Detective Smith? To back us up.” He caught Deborah’s gaze. She shook her head, but her eyes said maybe. He nodded hard. He didn’t want to lose the tenuous bond he was building with her.