Page 34 of No Child of Mine

“Yes. Five years old the last time I saw her.” Chavez turned and faced Alex, his lips tight across teeth that protruded slightly, giving him a wolfish look. “Maybe that explains why Clarisse left. She was always whacking the kids—no patience at all. She popped out those puppies too close together and then she couldn’t handle it. She kills Nina and blows out of town—”

“That’s interesting speculation.” Alex tried to keep his disdain for the man out of his voice. “But like I said, we don’t even know for sure the identity of the victim. Did Nina ever have dental work done?”

“Of course, we were good parents. Good parents.” A flash of anger.

“You just said your wife was always whacking the kids—which is it?”

“So she was short on patience. You got kids?”

Not yet. At the rate he was going, maybe not ever. “You have an extensive criminal record, Mr. Chavez.” Alex opened the folder in his hand, even though the contents were firmly established in his head. “A couple counts of domestic battery, DUI, public intoxication, possession, possession with intent to distribute, carrying a firearm without a permit, assault. Very colorful.”

“I had a drug problem.”

“Trying to forget something?” Like killing his daughter?

“Life in general. It’s under control now.”

Tires screeched and a car door slammed. Chavez moved toward the door. He glanced through the octagon-shaped window and then back at Alex. “I don’t remember the dentist’s name, it’s been so long, but I’ll get it for you. Could I call you later?”

“Certainly, Mr. Chavez, and thank you.” Alex stood and handed Chavez his card. “My cell phone number is on there. Call me anytime.”

“Will you let me know as soon as you know if it’s my kid?” The pounding on the door didn’t faze him. Alex could see a man’s face in the window. “When can I bury her?”

“We’ll need her dental records. The sooner you give us the information we need, the better. This is a murder investigation. That little girl died from blunt force trauma to the head. Someone hit her hard enough to kill her.”

Chavez nodded, but the frown on his face deepened. “Someone like me? Listen,ese, I told you, Clarisse had a bad temper and she had five kids too many.”

“We don’t know who did it, but we’ll find out.” That was a promise. The pounding got louder. “Do you want to get that?”

“He’ll wait.” Chavez’s gaze didn’t waver. “You think I killed my little girl—arrest me. Or is it just a feeling? Maybe you don’t like the way I dress. Or my tatts, eh,hermano. But you can’t arrest me, because you ain’t got no proof. So maybe you should come back when you do.”

“That’s the plan, Mr. Chavez.” Alex stopped at the door and looked back. “By the way, are you working now? That’s a very nice truck you got out there.”

“I like to play the slots in Vegas. The truck’s paid for.” Chavez towered over Alex. His eyes were like bullets. “But I also work regular now. At Two Fat Guys’ auto repair shop. I’m good with my hands.” This time his mouth formed a tight grin. “If you need help looking for that missing kid, let me know.”

Right. “By the way, what was the name of the PI you hired? Do you remember that?”

“The guy was a deadbeat—I won’t forget his name ever—Simon . . . yeah, Simon Phillips.”

“Fine. We’ll be in touch. That’s a promise, Mr. Chavez.”

“Bueno.” Chavez shrugged and finally opened the door.

The man who had been pounding gave them a surly look. “You deaf or what,vato? I was knocking.” His gaze flickered to Alex. “Who are you?”

Alex introduced himself and waited. The newcomer didn’t offer an introduction and neither did Chavez. “Well, I was just heading out. Give me a call if you think of anything that might us identify this little girl.”

“Little girl—” the man sputtered. Chavez gave him a look. He shut up.

Once he was on the road, Alex dug out his cell phone and called Cooper. He told him about Chavez’s history of domestic disputes and the disappearance of the wife and children. “We could be looking at more graves. We gotta get an evidence crew out to Ray’s.” A cold chill rippled through Alex. “Maybe he killed them all.”

“Whoa. We haven’t even established the identity of the first body.” Coop’s voice sounded muffled like he had the phone in the crook of his neck. “Let’s not go off half-cocked. Did he seem nervous or upset?”

“He jumped to the conclusion that the remains belong to his youngest daughter, but he controls his emotions extremely well. Until this other guy showed up, then he got a little nervous.”

“I’ll call out the canine unit and have them cover every inch of Ray’s place to make sure there aren’t any more graves out there. I—”

“And Coop—” Alex broke in. “That let’s Ray off the hook, right? I mean, we’re sure it’s gotta be related to Chavez somehow.”