Page 64 of Healing the Storm

For the Tahoe.


“Yeah, you’ve been so amazing, and it didn’t seem right after everything for us not to do something for you.”

“You really shouldn’t have done this,” I urged, handing her back the receipt. “I can’t let you guys do this for me.”

“Well, if we’re being honest,Idid it for you, Cheyenne.” She gave me a slight smile, her eyes glazing over. “I’ve never had a ton of girlfriends, and you basically walked in and became my best friend.Idon’t want you to go—and that has nothing to do with Wade, but if youhaveto, I want you to go knowing that I love you. And maybe it’ll guilt you into still calling me sometimes.” She laughed, wiping a tear from her own cheek. “It’s silly, but I might love you more than Wade does.”

If he does at all.

The gesture was still touching, though, and I pulled Hazel into a tight embrace. “You’re seriously the best, Hazel. You didn’t have to buy me a car for me to call you, though. I would’ve called you anyway… probably more than you wanted me to.”

“I don’t know.” She giggled, resting her blonde hair against my shoulder. “You’re absolutely awful with remembering your phone, and I’m gonna buy you a new one of those, too. I don’t think that decrepit thing of yours is going to have great Facetime capabilities.”

“Yeah, true.” I released her, feeling a little more hopeful knowing that Hazel had my back. “But I don’t even know that I’m going anywhere yet. I guess that’s kind of up in the air.”

“Oh, I don’t want you to go anywhere, and you can stay right here in Texas. It doesn’t matter where you are, I’m still going to need to Facetime you.”

I burst into laughter, shaking my head at her. “I swear you are something else entirely, Hazel.”

“Yeah, I know. I get that a lot.” She dabbed at her face, before reaching for the bathroom door, unlocking it, and swinging it open.

“What the hell are you two doing in there?” Blake asked, a funny look on his face.

“Having a conversation,” Hazel snapped, walking right past him. “Let’s go.”

I forced a laugh, though I didn’t miss Blake’s curious expression as I walked by him. He could tell that both of us had been crying, and I just hoped he hadn’t been able to hear anything through the door...

Because I needed to be the one to tell Wade first.



Where the hell are they?

Pacing just outside of the barn, I tried to keep my head clear. I mean, surely Cheyenne was coming back to the ranch. Her things were there... And if she split, I was going to look like a total idiot because of what was in the barn.

“What the hell is going on in there?” Ryder’s voice startled me as he approached me. “You going to be in some parade I didn’t get the invite to.”

“Shut up,” I snapped at him. “I did it for Cheyenne.”

“You decorated the shit out of Roanie for Cheyenne? Why?”

“Going away present—well, more like aplease-staypresent.” I ignored the amused look filling his face.

“Nowthatis something I didn’t see coming from you, Wade. I thought you were a bachelor forever kind of guy. Seems like she’s got you whipped.”

“Again, shut up.”

“Yeah, well, I hope it works out for you, man. It’ll be real fucking embarrassing if she says, ‘no thanks.’”

“She probably will,” I admitted, shrugging my shoulders. “She’s not really the type to accept gifts or help, but I hope that even if she refuses to take my best horse, she’ll at least stay.”

“Wow, that’s crazy. I don’t think any woman would be getting my best horse, especially not someone like Cheyenne.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I spun around, jumping to defend her.