Page 65 of Healing the Storm

He threw up his hands. “I just mean that she’s rough around the edges, man. I mean, she’s got a shit load of baggage and problems. You can see it all over her. Not to mention, what does she bring to the relationship? She’s been nothing but a pain in the ass for you. I’m not trying to be a dick, just a realist.”

I shook my head, fuming at his words. “Go find something else to fucking do, Ryder. It’s none of your business what I choose to do—and someone’s past and lack of money doesn’t prevent them from ‘bringing something to the relationship.’”

“Sorry, dude. I just call it like I see it,” he grunted, shrugging and spinning on his heel, heading back to the cattle pens scheduled to be moved the following morning. “Good luck with your love gesture.”

Fuck you, Ryder.

I took a deep breath, the sound of vehicles in the distance replacing my anger with apprehension. “Hopefully that’s them.” I squinted toward the entrance of the ranch, which wasn’t visible from where I was standing, but it didn’t take long before I saw a parade ofthreevehicles heading toward the house. I waved, seeing an unfamiliar black Tahoe sandwiched in between the ranch truck and Blake’s truck.

Walking toward the small caravan, I met Cheyenne’s eyes through the windshield and motioned for her to drive down to the barn. Takoda’s little head was hanging out the window, his tongue lolling, the wind blowing his fur flat.

And I laughed at the sight.

Shit made sense when I saw the two of them—even the little dog that nearly cost me my life and my best horse.

But I would do it over again in a heartbeat, and that’s why I knew that what I was about to do was the right thing.

“So this is your new set of wheels, huh?” I asked, my voice coming out a little nervous as Cheyenne opened the driver’s side door.

“Yeah.” She eyed me wearily as Takoda hopped down, heading right into the barn.

“I like it,” I forced out, the hail damage on the hood catching my attention. “Do you want me to have this fixed?” I pointed to the hood. “I have a good friend who can get this done for you.”

She shook her head. “That’s okay.” Her voice was strikingly quiet, and the guilt of our fight was tearing me up inside.

I had to make it right.

“Listen, Cheyenne,” I began, removing my cowboy hat and running my fingers through my hair. “I know that things have been rough since we had that conversation, and we need to talk about it.”

“Great.” She looked like she might be sick.

“I...” my voice trailed off as I tried to conjure up the apology that I owed her. “Just let me show you something.”


I headed to the barn, sliding the door open just enough for us to step through. “I’m not good at apologies—”

“What is this?” she asked, cutting me off. Her eyes were wide as she stared at Roanie, all dressed up in the finest ribbons I could find. I had put a massive bow on her as well. It was a little excessive.

Okay, it wasreallyexcessive.

But I was hoping it would be a good surprise for her.

“This is my apology,” I gestured to the horse, forcing a smile at the shock all over her face. “She’s all yours.”

“The horse?” Cheyenne’s eyebrows shot up. “You can’t be serious?”

“Well, Iamserious,” I countered, chuckling as her hands flew up to her mouth. “I thought...” I paused, trying to gather my wits about me as I got more and more nervous. “I thought that if you were going to stay, you deserved to have a horse of your own to ride here. Roanie is the best one,” I continued, seeing the tears glistening in Cheyenne’s eyes. “She’s strong and brave... likeyou.And if you don’t want to stay, she’s still yours. I’ll have her shipped to Arizona once you get settled, and she can stay at a boarding facility over there. I have some connections that would be more than happy to house her for you.”

She shook her head. “I can’t take her...”

“Cheyenne…” I grabbed her hand, pulling her around to look at me. “I messed up the other night—it’s just so overwhelming to fall in love like this. I was still reeling from nearly losing you, and I just... I don’t know. I didn’t react right, but Iwantyou to stay. Let’s try to do this for real.”

She burst into tears, which was something that I hadn’t expected. However, I wrapped her in my arms, holding her. “This is so crazy.”

“Yeah, I agree.” I laughed as she tilted her head back. Her eyes studied mine, and there was something there—something that I didn’t quite understand.
