Page 56 of Healing the Storm

But he stayed quiet, letting the sounds of the night fill the space instead.

The moon hung in the sky, clouds having cleared out, and while I wanted to find it comforting, I didn’t. The rain might’ve been gone, but the destruction of the flooding was only increasing, and I still had one hell of an apology to say to Cheyenne.

If she’ll even forgive me.

She hadn’t appeared mad or upset with me in the moment, but I figured it was the shock settling in from the circumstances. Once everything calmed down, and she was able to have some time to think everything through, I would expect her to be angry with me for what happened.

I mean,Iwould be mad at me if I was in her shoes.

Hell, Iwasmad at myself—furious, actually. Just when I thought that I might be able to sort out some kind of relationship with her...

I fuckingblewit.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I stared at the door, waiting and listening for Cheyenne’s footsteps or the pitter patter of Takoda. It had beenhourssince she and Hazel had gone off to see Dr. Dewy, and I’d already sent Hazel three texts...

And not a single fucking reply.

I ran my hands over my face, letting my head drop. I’d already showered, cleaned up, and had hoped that Cheyenne would’ve made it back in that time. Apprehension made my chest feel tight, and the apology that I had replayed repeatedly in my head started to feel less than good enough as the minutes ticked by.

“Wade?” a familiar voice called out, suddenly jerking me back to reality. “Are you okay?”

I looked up to see Cheyenne standing there, dressed in a pair of black sweats and a white long sleeve, her black hair pulled up in a bun on her head. “Hey,” I managed to choke out, standing to my feet. “How’s Takoda?”

“He’s okay. He did seem to show signs of hypothermia, but he’s fine. Hazel has him all curled up by the fire downstairs.”

Relief flooded my chest at the sight of her smile. “I’m really glad he’s okay.”

“Yeah, me, too...” her voice trailed off as she rocked back and forth in the doorway for a moment, biting her lip slightly and closing the door. “Listen... I just...”

Oh shit. Here it comes.

“Thank you for saving us. You risked everything, and that means a lot.”

My eyebrows flew up at her words. “What? Cheyenne, this isallmy fault. You never would’ve gotten into that situation had I not let him out to use the bathroom—”

“So?” she cut me off, holding up her hand. “Wade, I’m not mad at you for letting him out. That would be very petty, and then on top of that, you risked your life, nearly drowning and losing your horse just to pull us to safety. Everyone is okay, and so I think that being mad would be...wrong.”

“Well,” I paused, completely caught off guard by her humility. “I am sorry that I forgot I let him out.”

“It’s okay.” She smiled, her eyes softening under the low light of the candle. “It was kind of nice going to the vet clinic though. They had power—and a shower. I haven’t had a hot shower in so long. It was nice.”

“Ah, so that’s what took so long.” I chuckled, reaching out and grabbing her hand. “I’m glad you’re okay. I was really fucking worried about you.”

“Yeah?” She raised a brow at me. “I thought that you might not have cared if I came back. You fell asleep in the middle of me trying to talk to you, you know...”

“I know, and I’m sorry about that,” I murmured, lightly brushing my fingertips across her cheek. “We can talk about all that—though I still don’t understand why you don’t hate me right now.” No matter how much I was thankful for her positive attitude...

I was still beating myself up for it.

I almost got both of them killed.

“Wade, stop.” Her eyes searched mine as she stood on her tiptoes, her nose pressing to mine right before her lips caught my mouth.

Oh fuck.

Her lips were soft, and my brain shut off at the sweet taste of her, a tinge of mint on her tongue as I dove into her mouth. My hand cupped the back of her head, holding her to me as my other hand slipped to her waist, my dick already hard and ready.

God, she gets to me.