Page 50 of Healing the Storm

“Find her?”

“No, but Freddy just showed up to the barn from the horse pasture. He was tacked up, but there was no rider. He’s got signs of being out in chest-deep flood waters. I’m on Roanie, heading out. He probably dumped Chey in the water—you know he’s not fucking reliable in water.”

“I’ll grab back up and head your way.”

“I’ll call you if I find her.” With those words, I hung up the phone, my stomach feeling sick with fear as I rode out into the night.

This is all my fault.

I could hardly think as Roanie sloshed through the muddy, sloppy ground. As much as I wanted to gallop at full speed, I knew that it would more than likely lead to a bad wreck, and if we fell, that would render us useless to helping Cheyenne.

So, we trotted.

My eyes stayed focused on the flood waters, still quite ways out. I had a flashlight in my saddle bag, but it wasjustlight enough that my natural vision didn’t need help from artificial light.

What was she wearing?

I bit my lip so hard that the copper taste of blood spilled into my mouth, leaving me to wipe it away. If I hadn’t let the damn dog out, we wouldn’t be in this situation—or if I had stayed awake, then I would’ve been there helping Cheyenne.

And I could’ve made sure that she didn’t get on the worst horse ever to ride into high waters.

“Cheyenne!” I shouted as I rode across the pasture. Part of me was hoping that maybe she and Takoda had just fallen off—or he had gotten away from her on the ground after they’d gotten to safety...

But my gut just wasn’t letting my head believe that.

I felt like I was on a timer, and the sand was running out. The rain had basically come to a stop, but I knew the waters would be rising for some time after. That’s just how flooding worked. My heart pounded so hard, it rattled my chest, my pulse evident through my entire body.

But Roanie was quiet beneath me.

Her black tipped ears remained alert, working like radars as she trotted, her hooves in the mud was the only sound coming from her. She was a level-headed horse, always ready to put her heart into whatever was asked of her. She was brave, confident, and intelligent...

Just like Cheyenne.

I smiled to myself in the moment, patting her neck. If Cheyenne stayed around, I might just gift Roanie to her.

What the fuck am I thinking?

“Cheyenne!” I shouted, using it to distract me from my inner thoughts. I wanted to blame the panic and worry for Cheyenne’s well-being as the root, but I couldn’t be sure anymore. I couldn’t deny that I was getting...attachedto her.

“Here!” The sound was distant,verydistant, and for a second, I thought I might have just been hearing things.

But then it echoed out again.

“Here! We’re here!”


“Cheyenne!” I scream-shouted, my voice carrying more strongly than I imagined, booming across the pasture. “Keep talking so I can find you!”

“Wade!” Her voice was straining, and I could tell something was wrong, even though justhearingher was comforting. “Please hurry.”


Heart racing, I urged Roanie up into a slow lope, taking the chances of wrecking at the pleading of Cheyenne.

But where isshe?

My eyes scanned the line of trees up ahead. It was getting too dark, and there wassomuch debris hung up in the thicket that it made it nearly impossible to pick out her frame...