My back pocket buzzed. I reached back for my phone, then realized I was still dressed like Tim Allen onHome Improvementsans the flannel. It was too damn hot for flannel, and that was Gibson’s look. Mine was…well, I wasn’t sure. Vacation chic, I supposed, since I was unemployed but still rich. My heartbeat tripled when I saw that the call was from Caiden Dell. Not Polly. The man himself. I drew in a breath and then let it out. This was nothing new. Just another reading. Not like your whole future in films isn’t riding on this project.

“Hey, Caiden,” I said with so much nonchalance I even convinced myself.

“Elias, thanks for picking up. I know people hate phone calls, but some news has to be delivered with a call and not a text, don’t you think?”

“Yes, for sure,” I replied as I eyed the ice cream shop. If this was good news, I was going to buy several quarts of frozen deliciousness to celebrate. Katy would never know. “I totally agree.”

“Cool. I know this is generally done via our staff, but I could tell you had invested a great deal of time and work into memorizing the lines when you came in for your read,” he said as a horn blared in the background. Ah yes, nothing like traffic in Manhattan. I looked around the wharf, pleased to see the majority of tourists were on bikes or scooters. It was such a nice look for the island while making Mother Nature happy. Also, there was only so much room on a chunk of rock for so many cars.

“I read the script over the night I got it and felt a kinship with the protagonist right off the bat,” I confessed while slowly making my way toward the ice cream shop. I stopped outside, glancing through the plate glass window to see people enjoying their scoops at round, brightly colored tables. The line inside was long. I didn’t dare go in yet though as that might jinx things.

“I could tell. You brought him to life. I’ve got Polly typing up a contract for the trilogy as we speak. If you still want to be involved in the project?”

I pumped the air strongly, but I did manage to not shout in joy. Two teens at a table by the window gave me odd looks.

“Yes, yes, I would love to be part of the project. Thank you so much, Caiden,” I stated as calmly as I possibly could given my heart was thundering with excitement.

“Excellent. Polly will forward your agent a copy of the contract to peruse, then we’ll get things all zipped up legally after your lawyer and agent haggle with my lawyers.” Yes, that was all part of it. Elle would insist on adding things to the contract for my comfort. I tried not to be too spoiled of an actor on set, but I liked a few luxuries. “Filming is set to start next fall in Iceland, then we’ll move to Nevada for the summer scenes.”

“Amazingly, my schedule is wide open,” I kidded, and that, for some weird reason, made me chuckle as it did Caiden. Perhaps that was progress? Joking about the sludge I had waded through had to be a good sign. “I’m yours. Oh, did you settle on my romantic interest?”

“We did. Your friend Bomb Bay was fucking amazing. I hope you don’t mind sex scenes with a buddy because you two are the chosen ones.”

I couldn’t contain my grin. Bomb Bay had always been a fun if somewhat wild neighbor. I was sure we’d hit it off well on screen. The man was stunning. Hopefully, his acting was on par with his charm and rapping. Obviously, Caiden thought it was, or he wouldn’t have signed him for the part.

“That’s great news. I amsodamn excited to make these films. I really thought I despised the genre, but I don’t, not at all. What I loathe is how toxic so many of them are.”

“I hear you. That’s why we’re going to make some inclusive ones. I can hear the howls of the outraged already and it is music to my ears.” We both laughed. “Okay, I have to call Bomb to let him know he got the role. You go celebrate with that handsome man of yours.”

“I plan on it. And, Caiden? Thank you so much. You took a huge risk by offering me this role. I will not let you down.”

“I know, and it was no risk at all. We all know you’re a fine actor. And your ass looks amazing on the screen.” That one made me howl in glee. My asswaspretty nice. I had to agree. “Now go enjoy yourself. We’ll be in touch.”

We ended the call. My sandaled feet barely touched the ground as I pushed into the ice cream shop with a grin on my face. While I waited in line to be served, I signed a ball cap from an older fan of mine. Huh, guess not all of my fans hated me. That was nice to know. I texted my father, then Katy, then Elle. Everyone was thrilled. Of course, it was all hush-hush for now. The studio would put together a promo and announce the movie to the world when they were ready. I did not text Gibson. I wanted to see his face when I told him.

Fifteen minutes later I exited with four tubs of ice cream. Tubs. Not cups. Tubs. This kind of news needed tubs of ice cream. Moving along at a rapid clip because ice cream did not enjoy ninety degree heat any more than we humans did, I hurried to the pottery shop and rushed into the back area. I could hear Gibson out front talking to customers, so I shoved the bag of cartons into the tiny freezer section of his fridge and then slipped out front silently. His gaze met mine, the smile appearing on his face making my insides wiggle with joy. God I loved this man. I’d yet to tell him. And he had not said it to me. Fear was keeping us both silent when it came to the heavy emotions. Trust was also a factor for me. I knew Gibson was not like my ex, but I was leery. I hated myself for that reticence. Maybe it was time to speak up and exorcise the last ghost that remained of that terrible time.

“You look like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary,” Gibson teased when he met me behind the register with a quick kiss. “Did you and Billy ride up and stick that stuffed seagull in Portman’s shed again?”

“No, we’re not children anymore.” I fake huffed. “Besides, he threw that in the water yesterday when we did that.”

Several of the customers snickered at our banter. “Ah, well, I’m sure you two will come up with something to torment the old duff tomorrow. What brings you here? I thought you were planning to work on the playhouse all day.”

He reached out to stroke the hammer in my apron, the motion hidden behind the counter.

“Naughty potter,” I whispered by his ear, then took a step back to keep my dick from swelling up as he fondled my tool. “I was told that while my offer of help was appreciated, they lacked adequate insurance to cover a novice using a saw, drill, or nail gun for the first time.”

“Wise people,” he replied and turned from tormenting me to ring up a woman buying a complete set of dishes. I smiled at her and helped Gibson pack things up. When she was gone, he turned back to me. “So, what’s put that sparkle in those sexy eyes of yours?”

I peeked around him, saw no one currently in the shop, and decided to let it out. If I didn’t, I might burst.

“I got the role of Luke Barlow in all three films,” I said softly. His sky blue eyes widened, and he swept me into his arms for hugs and kisses. He’d been my cheerleader through the whole process. From reading lines with me to traveling to New York for the actual casting call, which it turned out was only me, to gently reassuring my bruised ego I was a fantastic actor during long nights of self-doubt. He’d been with me throughout it all. The short trip to Manhattan had been a wonderful three-day visit with a reading last thing, so I didn’t obsess over it during our fun days beforehand.

Talk about being gobsmacked when I walked into Budgie in the Dell’s office and found only Caiden, Polly, and a young man who Caiden introduced as his husband who shook my hand and gushed so long Caiden had to intercede so we could do the read.

“Of course you did!” I kissed him hard on the mouth, the kiss turning from a celebratory smooch to something lurid in the blink of an eye. He rubbed his thumb over my lower lip when the kiss ended, his gaze lovingly moving over my face. “We’ll have to celebrate tonight.”

“I have ice cream in the freezer,” I said, leaning in for another kiss when the bells over the door rang out and we jumped apart. Good thing we both were wearing aprons and/or belts to hide our erections from the two old ladies tottering in to admire the ceramics.