My agent used to tease me about that when the cash had begun flowing in. Yes, I had a housekeeper. Yes, I could use as many towels as I wanted. That didn’t mean I had to make extra work for the staff. I liked to think that being raised here and seeing the crap that service workers had to deal with had left a lingering impression.

“Oh, better. She’s got some miracle pills. I took her some tea, and she’s sitting up in our rooms.” I raised an eyebrow. Dad blushed.

“Oh, so they’reourrooms now. When did she move in?”

Laughter from behind the door of one of the suites floated past. I was battling back a smile.

“It’s not like that,” Dad sputtered, his ears bright red now to match his cheeks.

“Dad, I’m teasing. It’s fine. I like Kimmy. And she makes you happy.”

“Thank you, Elias. I think you look mighty happy of late as well.” I nodded. “Why don’t you let me finish delivering these towels and you can go pack for your romantic weekend with Gibson?”

“Are you sure?”

“I am. I’ll get the staff to clean your suite as soon as you leave so your friend has a nice clean room to enjoy.” I hesitated. “Go. We’re caught up now. Kimmy will be back at the desk tomorrow if I know her. The dryer repair man is on the way. Go spend some time with your new beau.”

“I’ll take this armful to my room.” I patted the towels in my arms. Dad smiled widely. I jogged down the hall, heart thumping like a teen about to go to prom. Knowing that the cleaning crew would be here shortly, I tidied up a bit. Then I showered, taking extra care to prepare for a romantic night, and dried off with haste.

I chose what to wear under my shorts and tank top with care. White lace this time, with stockings and garter belts packed away for later. I’d forgo a bralette this time. Anticipation of the next few nights getting to know Gibson’s body and his wants better had my dick plumping up before I was even out the door.

My phone buzzed with a text from Elle. She was leaving LAX as we spoke, her flight about to taxi into position for takeoff.

I have a surprise for you. ~ Elle

What’s that? ~ Elias

You’ll see. Phones off now. Talk to you this evening. ~ Elle

Tease. Safe flight. Text me when you land. I’ll come get you. ~ Elias

No, you won’t. I’ll get a cab. Support the local gig economy. ~ Elle

Knowing that arguing with her was futile, I gathered up my backpack with my clothes, cell phone, wallet, and keys. I passed a young woman named Teresa in the hall. She smiled widely as she pushed her cleaning cart right to my suite and opened the door.

I snuck past the front desk, easing out of the back door to find my bike where I’d parked it last. The afternoon was balmy. The skies filled with birds and kites. The staff had set up a kite flying event for the younger guests. Boats sailed out to sea and people splashed and played in the pool as well as down by the docks. Canoes were being paddled out to the bay and two small white dogs darted back and forth to fetch balls by the outdoor play area. I filled my lungs with fresh salty air, threw a leg over the old stiff seat of my bike, and took off for Gibson’s.

Oregano—or was it perhaps Basil?—carried on as soon as I arrived, alerting Gibson of my arrival.

“World’s most annoying security alarm,” he teased as he stepped out of his lemon yellow cabin in another vibrant caftan. Knowing that he was probably bare assed under it only added to the tingle of want that was skimming down my spine. I’d somehow managed to not pop a boner on the way here, but now that I was off the bike, my dick was one eager beaver.

“I hope I’m not too early,” I said, kicking out the stand of my bike.

“Not at all,” he replied, pattering over in bare feet to embrace me. I melted into the hug, eyes closing, nose buried into his throat. He smelled like soap and some sort of herb or spice. He kissed my cheek and then stepped back to look at me as if I were a prized painting in an art museum. “You take my breath away. Your beauty lies not only in your outward appearance but in the depth of your soul, the dark richness of your eyes, and the tenderness that shines through despite the vulgarity the world has heaped upon you.” I kissed him. I simply had to. He held me close, his lips soft yet firm, and I let him lead me as he wished. Any way he wished was fine with me.

We stood outside for a long time, kissing and caressing, until the harping from the bird in the pot got to us. Leaving her—or him—to their eggs, we went inside. The interior of the cabin was much cooler. Gibson had set up fans to move the air around. While it wasn’t AC cold, it was cool, my overheated skin prickling as an older oscillating fan hummed over on a repainted sideboard.

“We can have a light snack now if you wish,” he said, taking my backpack from my shoulder and dropping it onto the sofa. “What time is your friend due to arrive?”

“She said she’d get a cab from Augusta airport,” I said as I toed off my sandals. Something was cooking. Something beefy with onions. My stomach rumbled. “What do you have going for dinner?”

“That’s an old beef bourguignon recipe. It’s in the crock pot as it’s too hot to fire up the stove. Given the sound of your stomach…” he patted my tummy, letting his hand linger on my abdomen, “we should dig out the snacks to tide you over.”

I placed my hand over his and led his palm downward to my stiff, aching prick. His eyes grew hot with desire, the pupils blotting out the sky blue irises.

“I’d much rather take care of this first,” I admitted, my voice rough with need. He gave my cock a squeeze, and much to my shock, went to his knees. I widened my stance, allowing my ass to rest on the back of the couch as he worked to lower my zipper.

“Oh, look at this treasure trove.” He sighed as he wiggled my shorts down to my ankles. I stepped free of them, my dick held in place by haute couture beaded ivory lace. “Tell me you have stockings and garters in that backpack of yours and I shall die a happy man.”