
What the fuck had happened?

One minute, the insatiable little Omega was riding him for all she was worth, and the next thing he knew, she'd sunk her teeth into his flesh like a vicious, but adorable, rottweiler. Not only that, but so lost to pleasure, he'd allowed his knot to lock inside, her body squeezing and holding him so tight he swore he could feel it in his lungs. A special kind of torture to be so deeply satisfied and so wildly freaking out at the same time.

The golden glow that sprung to life in his chest vibrated with Zorah's deep contentment. It wiggled and sighed as much as she did, slinging itself around his heart as surely as her arms and legs anchored themselves to his body. Nothing in his entire life prepared him for this, this connection that had opened up between them. He could feel her emotions as they resonated down the bond, her delight and excitement and pleased sense of accomplishment at what she'd done. No hint of hesitation, no pause of remorse or regret. He'd been so terrified of getting the girl pregnant that he'd never considered the possibility of having to explain an accidental mating bond.

Holy fuck. Mating bond. Mating bond.

What was he going to do? Shit, shit, double shit. Fucking hell. His brain spun like an out-of-control top, careening and bouncing off the pile of jumbled-up thoughts, unable to keep a single one front and center for more than two seconds. Knot. Pregnant. Baby. Bite. Promise. Omega. Mate.


She was his mate. There was no denying it.

But, no, this couldn't work. He'd promised Hunter. He'd sworn to abide by the rules of the Pack and stay the fuck away from Omegas. Not only that, but it would endanger the entire Pack by causing trouble with River Bend. Hunter would never abide this; he'd be forced to exact his promised punishment, and what happened to Zorah, then?

He had to get rid of this, but how? How could he extract this thing from his body when it insinuated itself so deep it felt like it had always been there waiting to be discovered?

Zorah let out a soft sigh, the kind she released when she was about to drift off into deep sleep. She always slept hard after a strong climax. Jake's eyes cut to the all-too-quickly lightening sky. Dawn approached, and he had to hurry. Anxiety deflated his knot until he slipped from her body with a worrisome rush of fluids that gushed over their tangled legs and dribbled over his balls. A shudder tore over him at the warm sticky goo. So much fucking seed; how could he fail to get her pregnant with this amount? He couldn't think about that right now.

First order of business: he would take her back. Back to the Heat Hut. That's where the Pack thought she was, where she was supposed to be all this time. If he hurried, he could get her there and slip her inside before anyone saw him. If luck was on his side, he could do so without either alarming the village or waking Zorah.

The thing in his chest twanged an out-of-tune note of displeasure, balking at the thought of depositing this Omega like a package on a doorstep.

Coward, that Alpha voice roared inside his head.

He knew it. It wasn't wrong. Maybe he'd hidden it from Hunter, and these people, for all these months, but that's what he was, wasn't he? A coward who couldn't save Ava, couldn't save himself, lived in filth, and attacked and abducted Kess. Hunter knew. Jake had seen it in his eyes that night in the darkness, seen the disgust and disdain in his friend's furious gaze. Jake wasn't any better than what they saw. Maybe they had deluded themselves otherwise, but he knew better. He knew what he was.

With effort, he extracted himself from the bed and hurried to his feet, grabbing whatever clothes lay within reach. Pants, boots, a soiled shirt, he threw them on his body, his temples pounding with the time crunch in which he now found himself. If he was discovered putting her back, it would be even worse.

A hurried glance around his cabin set his eyes on the small pile of Zorah's clothes hanging up, leftover from their final swim lesson. It seemed like an age ago that had happened. He snatched them, along with the blanket he'd found her on the first night of her Heat. Memories of Zorah on her hands and knees stampeded into his mind, but he pushed them aside, not allowing himself the distraction of an inconvenient sexual fantasy.

How could he, in good faith, ever think about her again with what he was about to do?

Moving quickly, he threw the blanket around her, tugging it into place so it wouldn't fall off in transit. She slept heavily, which would be in his favor for this shameful task. He tucked the clothes near her belly and then lifted her up. She grunted a protest, but her eyes remained closed.

"Jake?" she said sleepily.

"Shh," he soothed, "go back to sleep."

"Okay." It was barely a word — a sigh in the shape of a word — and she wiggled her head into his neck, arms looping around it like she'd done so many times in the last few days.

Without waiting, Jake strode for the door, his legs stiff and sore after so many days of primarily horizontal activity. Muscles in his thighs and ass lit on fire, the vigorous thrusting having taken its toll there too. He gritted his teeth and ignored it. It was a distant clang of discomfort compared to the horror unfolding in his chest that questioned him with every step away from the cabin.

Are you seriously doing this? Are you really going to leave her? How could you? How can you?

Coward.Another part of his mind answered.

He was a coward; that's how he was going to do it. Plain and simple.

With effort, he tore his attention away from his inner turmoil to reorient to the world beyond his suffering. He was heading back into Morris Hill with an Omega who reeked of Alpha and sex and copious amounts of his seed. Would the evidence on her body give him away? Could they recognize his scent as opposed to other Alphas? A deep growl rumbled in his chest, the mere thought of another Alpha sniffing her making his inner Alpha gnash its teeth in protest. He battened it down. That part of him would have to learn to live with this. There were no other options.

Before he knew it, the roofs of the village peeked through the trees, and he paused on the well-trod path. Inhaling fully into his lungs, he searched the air for any Alphas nearby that might discover him on this high-stakes mission.

Only clear, clean, petrichor-scented air greeted his nose, and he allowed himself one ounce of relaxation. Backing up, he ducked into the surrounding woods, skirting the direct paths through the village. He'd circumvent around it and sneak into the Heat Hut, which thankfully was positioned well away from both the Alpha bunkhouse and most of the other cabins. There was a risk, passing near a few nearby family abodes, but he would have to take it.

His feet crashed through the underbrush, making him sick with the noise it was causing. Anyone would hear him coming through if they got close enough. Nausea pooled in his guts. No turning back now, no turning back. The sun peeked over the horizon when he exited the forest at the door of the Heat Hut. A solitary ray of light poked through the trees and bit into his eyes as he shouldered it open with a grunt. Zorah stirred, her eyelids fluttering prettily, but did not wake.