Seduced by his grin and the warm fondness in his eyes, and despite her aggravation at the change in position, Zorah rotated her hips with toe-curling results. Maybe there was something to be said for being on top, with the full width and breadth of his golden chest laid out in front of her like a feast, the carved bulges of his pecs and the thick line of his jutting collarbone.

She bent over him, her lips finding this enticing line and mouthing over it, lapping at his skin. She tested another slow grind, shuddering at the pleasurable pressure she wrung from the position. Okay, maybe this wasn't so bad. His scent cascaded over her, rich and salty and musky. Zorah licked, savoring that salt on her tongue and letting her body do what it wanted atop the thick member piercing her sex. She rocked against him, finding the spot that felt the best and groaning into it.

"There you go," he purred. "There's a good girl. Rub that sweet pussy and come for me."

Rearing back, Zorah planted her palms on Jake's chest, pushing against the hard, unforgiving muscle. With a curl of her spine and a pulse of her hips, she found the spot she liked, grinding and grinding as stars gathered behind her eyelids.

Jake rumbled a low growl, making it clear she wasn't alone in her enjoyment. His nails bit into her hips, and he met her movements with upward thrusts of his own, going deeper and deeper still.

"That's it," he said with a pleasurable grimace carved into his face. "That's my girl."

"Say it again," Zorah panted, pleasure coiling through her like smoke. "I'm yours. Say it."

Her words did something to him because his hips arched off the bed and his eyes rolled back in his head.

"Zorah," he breathed, fingertips digging in so hard they'd leave bruises.

"Give me your knot," she demanded, the first pulses of her climax tingling deep in her womb. It hurtled toward her now, out of control and unstoppable. "Just this once," she panted, "give it to me."

Release rolled up through her pelvis, shimmering in blasts of clenching, quivering pleasure that traveled over her skin and along every nerve pathway to every part of her body. Zorah slammed her hips down, screwing her body flush to his, holding on tight with her thighs, calves, inner muscles, toes, and fingers, cleaving to him in any way she could, in every way she could, communicating in no uncertain terms that she would not be letting go. Not now, not ever.

"Zorah!" he gasped through the thrusts he seemed unable to stop, and she felt his climax explode into existence.

With a guttural shout, his knot began to swell, and Zorah moaned in triumph as it throbbed against her inner walls. It filled her past full, past pleasure and into a bite of pain that made it all the more savory. She moaned again, in ecstasy and satisfaction, as a second orgasm rocked her body, and she clenched down, pulsation after pulsation around the thick, indecent knob of flesh.

My Alpha.MyAlpha.

Zorah stared down into his heavy-lidded, pleasure-glazed mossy-green eyes and made up her mind.

There would be no other Alpha for her. There would be no accepting what she was given and smiling through her teeth like a good, obedient little Omega. She got herself to Morris Hill. She convinced him to give her swim lessons. She chose this Alpha for her Heat. Maybe not with any kind of foresight or consideration, but she'd done it. Her inner Omega had understood what she needed and brought her to the lake that night. Brought her to him.

Yeah, he was damaged and strange, and he'd crept on her from the shadows, but she understood now. Understood that he didn't do that because he wanted to but because he'd been accepted into this Pack yet was cast out to remain on the periphery. That he'd accepted this arrangement because his Alpha had been beaten and bruised and exploited, nearly expelled from his body after all the abuses he'd suffered. But not anymore.

He was Alpha enough for her.My Alpha. My Alpha.The beat thudded deep in her chest, pushing against her breastbone at the place where their bond would live, like it was calling out to her, inviting her in the same way she invited him into her nest all those days ago.Her Alpha, her beautiful, scarred Alpha. Brave and kind and so unsure of all the things he needn't be unsure about: his own strength, his honor, his value, his place in the world, his place in her heart.

With a cry, Zorah flung herself onto Jake's naked chest and bit down hard. Flesh and muscle filled her mouth, the scent of blood hot in pursuit, and Jake yelped either in pain or surprise or both. She writhed through the pleasure, her mouth and sex full of him in a way she'd been craving since that night on the dock. She shuddered and heaved but held tight. Jake's hand grabbed at her hair, tugging as if to lift her away or hold her fast, but she only bit down harder, feeling the pops of skin as her molars sunk further in, marking her greedy claim high on his muscled breast.

She wanted to crow with triumph. Let him try to get rid of her now. Let him try to pass her off to some other Alpha. Let him try to denythis.

His emotions flooded into her chest as the bond braided itself between them like a strand of unbreakable golden light. Confusion, fear, wonder, anxiety all swarmed together, and she let them flow through her, knowing he would be afraid, knowing he'd be uncertain. But it didn't matter because she was certain enough for both of them. She sent a push of reassurance through the connection. This wasn't Little Zorah running away on an ill-conceived whim. This was full-grown Omega Zorah choosing her Alpha once and for all.

Slowly, Zorah released the clamping hold and lifted her head. Blood tinged her lips and coated her tastebuds, rich and coppery andhis. Her mouth flicked up in happiness, and she met wide, green eyes petrified with awe and horror.

Zorah seized his hand and pressed his palm between her naked breasts, holding it there with one hand and reaching for his chest with her other. "Do you feel it?" she whispered. His chin quivered in a shaky nod. "That's our bond. You're mine now, and I'm yours. Do you understand?"

"Yes," he said, voice like frozen gravel.

Pleased, Zorah wiggled against the knot and smiled as exhaustion claimed her body. Her Heat finally broke against the rocks of this new and profound connection. "When you're ready, you can return the bite."

"When I'm ready," he repeated, looking slightly lost.

Zorah nodded in approval. It was okay. He could feel lost, she knew where she was, and as long as they were together, he wouldn't be lost again.

"You said I have good instincts and that I should trust myself. This is what I want.You'rewhat I want." Zorah laid her head down and snuggled into his chest, her ear pressed to the still-oozing claiming bite.

Her eyes drifted shut, and for one blissful, scintillating moment, everything was perfect.