And then he began tomove. A gentle slide in and out, and then another, and another. Full and empty. Empty and full in a dizzying, never-ending pattern. Stretched to the max, Zorah couldn't imagine she could go back to living without this. She'd never settle, never settle again for being sequestered to suffer a solitary Heat. No, now that she knew what she was missing, she'd never go without.

"Fuck you feel good." Jake's voice cascaded over her, reminding her that she wasn't just being fucked by an extremely capable cock, but that cock was attached to a man.

Zorah raised herself to her elbows and ground back into it, seeking more, seeking all of it, anything she could take from him after so much denial.

He didn't seem inclined to deny her now, letting her join in the fucking without any attempt to slow her down. Freed to move as she pleased, Zorah's buttocks bounced with the vigorous pounding, meeting his strokes measure for measure. Pleasure sparked and sparkled in her pelvis, zinging around her insides like a hysterical firefly.

The hard invasion was everything she'd needed, but it wasn't enough. Zorah reached behind, hooking his neck and pulling his head and torso back against her own. The planes of his chest plastered to her back in a sticky embrace, changing the angle of his cock as it pounded into her. He kissed the back of her neck, suckled her earlobe, and nibbled on the fleshy spot where neck met body. He lingered in that area, the traditional claiming site where an Alpha would place his bite to tell the world an Omega belonged to him, nuzzling and sucking deep.

A crazy wild exhilaration screeched through her. The pleasure and danger as dark and sweet as sun-ripened blackberries. Should she tell him to stop? To hold back, to restrain? Jake was an odd Alpha; did he even understand the significance of the spot? Did he know how the tease threw her into a maelstrom of yearning and horror?

The sharp points of his teeth scraped against her skin and fastened on for a hard sucking pull that tipped her over the edge. Her climax detonated in her pelvis, sending shards of clenching, reeling, unending pleasure to every inch of her body. Breath whisked out of her body, and stardust exploded behind her eyes. Zorah shuddered and cried out, ecstasy and knife-edged thrill rampaging.

It went on. Longer and harder than anything she'd felt before, and a distant part of her mind wondered if it was all one long, never-ending release or a million small ones stacked upon each other in an infinite spiral. Jake's arms tightened around her as she thrashed and shook, her body threatening to blow apart completely.

A guttural Alpha grunt pulled her back to earth, and Zorah turned her head, seeking her Alpha. She wasn't alone in this experience. For the first time in a long time, Zorah felt not only not alone but held and seen and cherished. His mouth found hers, renewing his taste on her tongue. Jake's large, calloused hand came up to grip her cheek, and his tongue delved in farther, seeking more, and she'd give him anything he wanted.

"Can't say no to you," he whispered, echoing her thoughts. He came into her harder then, short, rough thrusts that assaulted her womb, and Zorah felt the stuttering flutter of his hips as his climax claimed him. With another agonized curse, he jerked from her body in time for the hot streams of his release to lash against her back. The reality of her sudden emptiness crashed through her blissed-out brain.

His knot! What about the knot?

"No," she whined through panted breaths. "The knot, I need it..."

In answer, he only rocked his forehead against her shoulder, voice shaking as his pleasure ran its course. "I'm sorry," he murmured against her skin. "I can't."

Her body spent, Zorah collapsed onto the pillow, her entrance still twitching with demand for the knot denied her. Disappointment spoiled the moment. She'd wanted this so much, and she got what she wanted, everything she imagined and more, except that small and enormously important detail.

Another thing Little Zorah wasn't ready for.



He peeled his body off hers, cringing at the gloopy mess as his knot throbbed in protest. Jake wrapped his fist around it and squeezed as tight as he dared, verging on pain. It wasn't the same as lodging the knobby swelling in a willing Omega's cunt, but it would have to do.

He hadn't given birth control any consideration up until the inevitability of his climax gathered in his balls. But in that moment, all he could think about was how Ava's pregnancy had been the final mistake, the one that got them discovered and ultimately led to their separation. He couldn't put that kind of burden on Zorah. Not when their union had no real future.

Still reeling, Jake's unfocused eyes coasted down her semen-streaked back, ogling with perverse satisfaction where the stripes slid into the cleft of her ass.

She's yours.Your Omega.Your mate.

Sharp pain stabbed into his chest, so hard he dropped his dick and rubbed his sternum with the heel of his palm. The conviction launched from somewhere deep inside him, as if yanked from the marrow of his bones and pushed in his face, daring him to deny the truth he felt in his soul.

An impossible, ridiculous truth, one that had no bearing in reality.

Shaking himself loose, Jake got to his wobbly feet and distracted himself by swabbing her back with a damp cloth and refilling her water. Head resting on folded elbows, Zorah tracked him. The tilt of her brows and the faint pinch at the corners of her lips suggested pensiveness, but she said nothing. Unable to bear the directness of her gaze and all its questions and accusations, Jake crawled back into the nest, propped his back against the wall, and pulled her to sit between his legs, her back to his front. To his relief, Zorah didn't resist as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. She melted against him with a quiet sigh.

They sat like that for long moments, listening to the rainstorm-turned-gentle shower. How long would this weather last? How long before someone noticed Zorah wasn't in the Heat Hut? How long till the Pack charged up the hillside with torches and pitchforks? Hunter would surely kill him now, and he'd deserve it. At the same time, a new defiance percolated, a conviction that, while their affair was illicit, that didn't make it wrong. Jake's arms cinched tighter, and Zorah squeaked.

With effort, he loosened his grip, reminding himself that, at the moment, no one was coming to rip her from him. He would take this time, this gift, and enjoy it while it lasted. "Sorry," he said and kissed her temple. "You okay?"

Zorah hummed, filling the long pause as she considered her answer. "Yeah."

Jake cleared his throat. "How long till... uh... the next...?"

Her head fell back to rest against his shoulder, her eyes rising to meet his own. "Don't know. Maybe an hour, maybe several." His just-barely-deflated cock gave a jaunty twitch of interest. He ignored it. "It's hard to predict," she went on, "but usually my Heats last about three days."

Three fucking days. Three days of fucking. His cock jumped again, a quick reminder it volunteered for duty. Zorah conspicuously wiggled against it as a dusky mauve stained her acorn-brown cheeks. He thumbed over the curve of her face, deciding that delicate flush lit by the cool, watery light was the most perfect color he'd ever seen. Even before TheEnd, he'd never owned a house, but in this moment, he wished he had. Then, he could've gone to a hardware store, sorted through a thousand paint swatches to find the exact right match, and splashed it on every single wall. Except the reality where Jake, a responsible homeowner popping into Home Depot to debate eggshell versus semigloss, ceased to exist over a century ago.