Finally, when she keened in protest enough, he brushed a thumb along her center seam, gliding easily over the damp flesh. Zorah arched off the bed, so wound up that the barest contact sent her body spasming. He did it again, grazing his other thumb along the same path, staying on the puffed-up outer lips without going any deeper. He repeated the pattern: one thumb and then the other, alternating their slow, deliberate swipes along her sensitive seam.

In answer, Zorah spread her legs as far as she could with him straddling her, an overt invitation to go deeper, stroke harder, explore more. With her swollen lips parted, the dark nub of her clit poked out the top like a sign saying TOUCH ME. Jake bit his cheek to stop himself from diving in and tasting that sweet bud a second time.

Instead, he withdrew his touch, smirking when she groaned in protest, even going so far as to beg so sweetly. "Jake,please."

Like a bastard, he simply shook his head and bestowed light touches on her thighs and the gentle roll of her lower belly. "Not yet, Omega. I said we were going to take our time, and we are." He bent over her, lowering his mouth to a hairsbreadth of hers. "There's a lot more of you I need to explore."

He crossed the minuscule space, and their lips touched in a long, sensuous kiss. All teasing licks and soft sighs, he loved the feel of her lips, the taste of her tongue, the scent of her skin, the scrape of her teeth. Sweetly eager, there was nothing coy or restrained about the way Zorah kissed, and he lapped up her enthusiasm with relish.

He remembered this feeling. The thrill of touching another's body in an intimate way for the first time. Even beyond his first sexual experiences, he remembered it from each new partner he'd ever had, the exploratory process of finding out what made each of his lovers sigh, groan, or scream. Each one a beautiful puzzle to solve.

He'd fucked a lot in his life before TheEnd, both a lot of women and a few men — he'd try anything twice. Once he'd set his sights on someone, once was rarely enough. Often it was the women who would message him after a one-night stand, wanting to meet up again, wanting more of what he'd given them. Over time, he came to understand that many settled for terrible partners in the bedroom, so when they finally met someone who cared enough to figure out how to make them come, they couldn't get enough. And who was he to deny them?

His Alpha nature rumbled underneath his skin, clamoring and beating against his ribcage with pent-up animal energy. But beneath that, something else glimmered in a part of himself so buried under pain and regret that he'd forgotten it existed. He'd been a lover, once. Agoodlover, who gave and received pleasure in all kinds of ways with all kinds of bodies and all colors of people. He'd been a party boy, a fun-times guy, a free-spirit surfer, but being a lover, in some ways, was the most core and serious part of his entire self. A part he'd lost entirely and only now seemed to be getting a piece back.

With a nip to her lower lip, Jake pulled away, staring into her pretty, half-lidded eyes. "Now roll on your belly so I can play with that sweet little ass of yours."



It was simultaneously the best and worst thing that had ever happened to her. Well, no, it was hands-down the best, but Jake's pace and deliberateness threatened to drive her out of her barely-hanging-on mind.

Face cradled in the shirt-covered pillow and hands fisted in the plush sleeping bag, she simultaneously endured and exalted as he breathed against the thin skin of her instep. It didn't stop there. Strong fingers massaged her feet and ankles before he kissed a path up the backs of her thighs and to the erogenous zone behind her knee. Pleas and whines hovered on her tongue, but she held them back, knowing he would only give a dark chuckle and proceed how he planned. How much time had passed, she had no idea. Her body had been on edge for so long; she could hardly remember a time when she hadn't been in this state.

Zorah wanted to hate it, but she couldn't. Like everything to do with Jake, the experience was unlike any she'd ever had. Her encounters with the Beta boy had been quick and to the point. Never having the luxury of spending hours simply kissing and petting, they'd dove for each other's bodies and devoured one another in a frantic, binging feast before going their separate ways. Good enough for the time, but nothing like this.

Somehow, she'd assumed, without considering it in any depth, that sex with an Alpha would be similarly focused and efficient, a rough fuck culminating in a thick knot.

Absolutely nothing prepared her for this. For the heights of her Heat demands being pushed ever higher and higher. For the need inside her to churn and rumble with ever-increasing desperation at every barely-there brush of his fingertips. It was insane how slight a touch she responded to now, all her senses trained on every single thing he did. She'd nearly climaxed when he'dbreatheda gust of warm breath over her sex.

Strong, calloused thumbs soothed the crease of her bottom, and she sucked in a gasp, not even daring to hope he would attend to the blaring ache between her legs.

"How does that feel?" he asked, using those thumbs to knead the muscles, lifting and separating her cheeks with each pass until he'd spread her completely apart, and Zorah knew exactly what dark secrets he'd exposed.

The unabashed exposure cranked her arousal higher, the vulnerability delirium-inducing on its own. Despite the raging Heat, her cheeks flamed even hotter.

"Fine," she forced out, fingers clenching and unclenching.

She squirmed on her stomach, pelvis angling and rolling, unable to sit still with her entire body an exposed nerve.

A heavy weight pressed to her back. His cock, hot and hard, dug into her lower back, and her empty sex gave a hearty throb, a demand for the thing he denied her.

"Fine?" he crooned into her ear, the smile in his voice evident. Jake mouthed over the back of her neck and licked behind her ear. "Not good? Not bad? Just fine?"

Zorah turned her head, sudden tears springing to her eyes. This denial, this torture, had gone on for so long that she hovered on the edge of despair. "Jake" — her voice broke — "ithurts."

A low purr rumbled from his chest and permeated into hers, mollifying the ache from the inside. But only just barely.

"All right, sweetheart." He dusted a kiss to her sweaty temple. "You've been a good girl for me, so here's your reward."

And then, without any warning or prelude, the fat cockhead notched at the entrance to her sex. He rubbed it through her juices, coating the tip with the copious slick she'd produced in the long minutes of this encounter. She canted her hips backward in invitation, and the hard length slipped forward, missing her entrance and gliding over her clit.

Zorah yelped at that tiny bit of unexpected stimulation, so little and yet so much after the interminable buildup. She did it again, rocking up to slip and drag her sex along his cock, her eyes rolling into her head as she glimpsed her peak on the horizon.

Jake gripped her waist, holding on as she rocked with desperate, flagrant want. Then, the horror began again when he withdrew, taking his hot prick along with him and away from her seeking movements. The pause was just long enough for her to whimper, and then it was back, slipping inside her entrance in the first breach she'd had in years. The contact — hot meeting hot, slick meeting slick — opened her mouth in a wide, soundless O, words being so foreign she couldn't grapple for even one.

With a grunt, he slid in farther. Zorah's walls stretched, each inch accompanied by a pinch of delicious discomfort as her sheath expanded. As with everything, the impalement was slow, deliberate, inexorable, and incredible. He filled her up, sinking in all the way till she felt the hard planes of his abdomen against her backside, till she felt the kiss of his sack against her outer lips. He filled her up till he reached the place of her deepest ache, massaging it as he'd massaged her thighs, feet, and breasts.